Tuesday, February 11, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Bomberman '93 - Part 1 of 7

The Black Bomberman has laid waste to a city with his bombs and has stolen the power circuits that power it! The circuits have been spread to six different planets! It's up to you, the White Bomberman, to get them back!

World 1: Planet Quarry

Watch out for Digger's fireballs after he warps.


The control isn't much different from the rest of the games. Lay bombs, get power-ups, break obstacles to open up more destroy enemies with the explosions. Button II lays your bombs, and the D-Pad lets you move around.

The flame icons extend the reach of your explosions. Be careful not to blow yourself up!

If you see a destructible obstacle glow after you beat all the enemies, go up to it and blow it up to find the power-up underneath. You'll only find one power-up on every board.

Be sure not to blow up the power-ups. If you do, three or four enemies will spawn and you'll have to take them all out.

The purple ghosts just move back and forth, and only turn the corner if they run straight into a bomb.

Once you take out all the enemies, you'll have to blow up all the destructible obstacles until you find the exit, which is indicated by a blue teleport pad. Be careful not to bomb it, otherwise another enemy will show up. Step on the pad and the area is over.

The heads-up display at the top shows your current and highest score, the amount of time you have left and the amount of lives you have left.


The bomb icons allow you to lay more than one bomb onscreen at a time.

The red blobs with the one eye will turn corners slightly more randomly and can also double back, but as long as you're careful they're not any more dangerous than the purple ghosts.


The roller skates allow you to move faster. You can only increase your speed with the skates once in this game, however.

The blue spiked creatures move in one direction, stop and hide, and move in the other direction before stopping again. You'll have to wait for them to start moving before you can blast them.


The green ghosts can move through the destructible rocks. Take them out whenever you possibly can, as their slow speed seems to work against them.

The heart with the bomb on it is a remote detonator. Lay a bomb, then press the other button to detonate it whenever you want. (In the case of this game, Button II lays the bombs and Button I acts as the remote detonator.)

If you have only one destructible block left and the exit hasn't been uncovered yet, uncovering the exit will cause a yellow flower worth 500 bonus points to appear on the screen.


The blue pterodactyls are just like the green ghosts, but they move significantly faster. They can also double back like the red blobs can.

The bomb icon with the red lines next to it allows Bomberman to walk right through the bombs he lays. This is really useful in case you accidentally trap yourself with one of your own bombs.


This board offers two new things: the board is now wider, and there is an orange ball enemy with teeth that chases after you when it sees you. You'll have to trick it into running into one of your explosions without doing yourself in. If you got the ability to walk through your own bombs as well as the remote detonator, these guys are a lot easier.

The picture of Bomberman gives you an extra life.


The picture of the wall with the red lines next to it allows Bomberman to move through destructible walls. These power-ups are getting better and better!


It's time to face Digger!

Digger will warp, shoot fire, and leave before continuing his pattern. Get next to him and hit him with one of your bombs. After two hits, he'll start sending out a clone that shoots in another direction. The real one always shows up first, so keep hitting the real one. Digger will turn orange after two more hits, and he'll start shooting sideways in addition to in front of him. Two more hits, and he's history.

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