Monday, November 25, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus - Part 4 of 6

This time, we're in the sky. Guess what? There's more bottomless pits.

Level 4: Sky
Stage 4-1

Catching a cold is very likely to make your asthma worse. As soon as you catch a cold, be sure to follow your sick day plan.

Cannon smoke and cats will be the new asthma triggers here. Also, the green dinosaur with the snotty nose has a cold, so stay from him.

The clouds below are a bottomless pit. At this point, you should be used to bottomless pits at the bottom of the stages.

The purple dinosaurs with fins and the wagging tails are platforms. Speaking of platforms, the small platforms on the small balloons are platforms, the anchors are definitely and the large balloons on the much larger ships can also be stood on.

The purple dinosaurs with pistols can hit you from afar, so be careful, 


If you catch a cold, what should you do? Start the sick day plan my doctor has given me

What may happen if you catch a cold? My asthma may get worse

Stage 4-2

Be sure to see the doctor regularly to keep your asthma under control. 

At this point, there will be a lot more ships than canyons to stand on, and there will also be cannons that shot cannonballs. The cannonballs will drop shortly after being shot out of the cannons. Also, remember that if a vertical rope leads up to a ship, you can leap onto the ship itself from underneath.

Smoke will come out of some of the cannons on the undersides of some of the ships, so be ready to jump over the smoke.

If you see what looks like the front end of a dragon skull, you've reached the end.


If you have an appointment with your doctor for an asthma check-up, you should go to the appointment no matter how I feel

If you visit the doctor regularly, you can work with my doctor to keep my asthma under control

Stage 4-3

Use a logbook to keep a daily record of your peak flow levels and times when you have taken medicine. It can help your doctor develop the best asthma plan for you.

The fourth moving balloon platform in the stage will dump you into the death point of the bottomless pit if you stay on it as it descends.

Also, you have to come into near-fatal contact with a cat and two green dinosaurs with colds to get the inhaler. As long as you don't jump on the ship until after the second green guy has sneezed, you're good.

This stage is the easiest and shortest of the three normal stages.


What should you write in your asthma record every day? My peak flow levels and medicine taken

Why is it a good idea to keep an asthma record? It helps my doctor and me make an asthma plan that works best

Level 4 Boss

Name: Peahead
Height: 1 Oak Tree
Weight: 12 Large Boulders
Hobbies: Knitting, sitting on small animals

To beat Peahead, get close and hit him. When he rears down, move back. If you're cornerrd, move directly under him. After several hits, he will go down.

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