Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus - Part 3 of 5

Yes, let's put the completely predictable, gloomy looking forest area that is a staple of everything ever enjoyed by children under six years of age. It's only natural!

Forbidden Forest 1

Once you're done with the second bonus level, you'll finally land in the Forbidden Forest. Wenlock's spell may have turned villagers into something other than stone, so keep a look out.

Shortly after the beginning of the level, you'll find a green jewel. This is the Flower Jewel, which allows you to change enemies into plants with a dark green butterfly that flies forward whenever you use it. This changes the miniature Gryphons and fish here into logs, which is somewhat chuckle-worthy. It's also very useful, as you can use said logs as platforms to get to other areas.

Annika will notice that the fat green men walking around look human, and that they may have been changed into something by Wenlock's magic. Use the Flower Jewel to change them back into stone, then use the Wand of Light to turn them back into people again.

The yellow plants shoot out spores that slow you down when they touch you. You'll have to wait for the spores to disappear again before you can return to normal speed. If you use the Flower Jewel on them, they'll change into springs that you can use when the Flutter Jewel can't get you anywhere.

You can go up the vine by repeatedly jumping on it, but standing on it will cause Annika to slide down.

Forbidden Forest 2

Password: Wenlock, Wenlock, Pegasus, Wand

Spiders hang around underneath some of the branches and drop down when you get close. If you hit them with the Flower Jewel, they'll turn into sunflowers. This only last for a few seconds, sadly, so you're better off just offing them with the Wand of Light.

Also, you now see the big ugly green guys in greater numbers. You also see the female equivalents of them at this point, too.

Forbidden Forest 3

Password: Wand, Castle, Ollie, Annika

If it feels like you're skipping a big part of the level, you aren't. There's a huge pit of water that the Twirl Jewel won't even come close to clearing. Instead, your only way across is turning a miniature Gryphon into a log with the Flower Jewel and riding him all the way to the other side.

For the dress area, get on the chandelier, then destroy the blocks. The chandelier will rise as you get rid of them all.

If you mess this up or fall off, you'll have to wait for the timer to run out as the game doesn't let you use anything other than the Wand of Light.

Ollie the Giant

Password: Pegasus, Wenlock, Ollie, Wand

Wenlock is at it again. This time, he sics Ollie the Giant on you.

Use the Flower Jewel on the mini-Gryphons he throws at you. When they turn into logs, Ollie will trip and fall when he steps on them. Use this as your best opportunity to move to the other side.

When he runs onscreen as opposed to walking, stay off of and stand between the tree stumps so you don't get hit by the fruit that falls when he stomps the ground.

Bonus Stage 3

Password: Annika, Wenlock, Annika, Wand

Now you just collect the coins while they're just out there in the open, along with getting them from the clouds and rings from the first two bonus stages.

After this bonus stage, you'll land in a glacier.

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