Thursday, November 21, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus - Part 4 of 5

One more level to go before we finally face Wenlock!

Glacier 1

Brietta tells you to look high and low to find all the villagers, but if you've made it this far, you've probably been doing this the entire what's the point?

Also, Brietta probably did more than fly Annika around in the movie. Just saying.

Anyway, when you try to use the Wand of Light on the ice blocks, nothing happens. You'll have to move a little further to the right to find the Warmth Jewel, which will melt the ice blocks when you have it selected.

When you see ice blocks, go ahead and break them with the Warmth Jewel. Most of the time, you'll find villagers encased in stone.

Just like in all ice levels, it takes a second or two for Barbie to get started while walking, and she can slip around a little bit. Just jump straight up, and while you're walking forward, jump forward to jump start Barbie.

Enemies here include snow foxes that hide in the snow and run around.

Glacier 2

Password: Wenlock, Wenlock, Giant, Wenlock

The trolls from the forest and the mini-Gryphons make a return appearance here.

You'll also start seeing volcanic geysers in the ground that harm Annika if the steam hits her.

For the final key door, you'll have to make staircases with the Wand of Light. The final dress is the same as the fourth one, but instead of purple with pink it's green with yellow.

Glacier 3

Password: Pegasus, Wand, Pegasus, Annika

Nothing much to talk about here.

The Snowball

Password: Annika, Castle, Wenlock, Castle

For this one, Annika falls after the ice blocks she stands on break from underneath her. As a result, she now has to avoid being crushed by a giant snowball. Use Down on the Control Pad as you swing the Wand with the Warmth Jewel, and keep going right no matter what.

When you reach the floor made of ice blocks, head to the right. The snowball will go through them and you'll head to the final level.

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