Monday, November 25, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Bronkie The Bronchiasaurus - Part 5 of 6

We're almost near the end of the game. Guess what? There's more bottomless pits.

Level 5: Canyon

Stage 5-1

Bronchodilators are medicines that open bronchial tubes fast so it is easier to breathe. Do not use bronchodilators more than five times a day.

New asthma triggers include black birds with sunglasses that fly in place and tar. The short, stout grey guys will have colds, so stay away from them, even though they are not seen very often. The birds that fly in place will only appear if you see a tree. Also, even if the tar does not have the smoke that hurts your peak flow, it will still eat away at your health.

You will be doing a lot of climbing in this area, and this level will be a nightmare if you don't now where the bottomless pit is.

The black guys that move back and forth are palette swaps. Also, the pterodactyl enemies from Level 3 are back, and this time, they are green. The men in the cave openings you can't enter are indestructible, and they will try to grab at you.

The gray triceratops on the tar only shows up near the end of this stage, and if you answer his question, you can use him as a platform to get over the tar.


How many times a day can you use a bronchodilator at home? No more than five times a day

What is a bronchodilator? Medicine that opens my bronchial tubes fast and hels me breathe easier

Stage 5-2

There are many types of asthma medicine. Never use anyone else's. Remember to keep your medicine with you when you leave the house.

This time, the tar will be bubbling. If you hit the bubbles, your peak flow is going to take a tumble.

The green dinosaurs near the vines will throw rocks downwards toward the vines.


Can you use your friend's asthma medicine? No, my medicine is best for me

When you are not at home you should? Carry my asthma medicine with me

Stage 5-3

Not all asthma medicines are bronchodilators. Some reduce swelling in the walls of bronchial tubes. If you take medicine regularly, it can help control your asthma.

The cat is mentioned as an asthma trigger here, even though the cat has also been seen in past stages in this level.

You'll have to take an alternate route near the beginning to get the inhaler, but good luck getting it, as the jumps towards it are difficult and the inhaler has the tendency to respawn when you're about to get to it.


Are all asthma medicines bronchodilators? No, some reduce the swelling in bronchial tube walls

Daily asthma medicines help prevent emergencies if you take them regularly

Level 5 Boss

Name: Scruff
Height: 3 Medium Tusks
Weight: 9 Bronkies
Hobbies: Stampedes, sleeping

To beat Scruff, use your breath attacks, as he counter attacks when hit. When he gets too close, jump to the platform in the center and move to the other side. After seven breath attacks, he's down.

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