Wednesday, November 20, 2019

PrinceWatercress plays Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus - Part 2 of 5

We head down to the village for the second stage. As you can see, Wenlock brought his brand of evil here, as well.

Kingdom Village 1

You'll be using the Flutter Jewel to find a lot of the people around here, so the game kinda rewards you for exploring by actually letting you get through the game.

The enemies here include frogs that jump up and down in water, and hedgehogs that roll back and forth on the ground. The gryphons also make a return appearance here. At the top of one of the houses, you'll get the Twirl Jewel, which allows Annika to twirl across pits of water. If you land into the water, you'll be taken back to the spot of dry land where you fell into the water from.

Kingdom Village 2

Password: Wand, Castle, Ollie, Castle

You'll find a large group of stone blocks shortly after the beginning, and behind these blocks is the key door.

For the key room to get that third costume, just break the blocks so you can make a staircase to it. That's it. The third costume is just like the second one, except blue instead of pink. Gee, thanks, game.

When you see what looks like the beginning of the bridge, use the Twirl Jewel to get across.

Kingdom Village 3

Password: Wand, Pegasus, Ollie, Wenlock

There's not much new to this level, really. 

Fight with Gryphon

Password: Ollie, Ollie, Wand, Wenlock

Annika meets Wenlock again, and this time, you'll have to deal with the Gryphon.

Yes, I know it's spelled Griffin here, but I'm spelling it the proper way since they just spell it as so in the game to make it easier for little girls to pronounce.

To beat the Gryphon, use the Twirl Power to move away from the Gryphon as soon as it's directly above you. Stand on a bridge, get out of the way and watch the Gryphon run smack into the bridge. After three instances of this, you win. Could this possibly be any easier?

Bonus Stage 2

Password: Castle, Ollie, Wenlock, Wand

This time around, you'll have to fly through cloud rings in order to get the coins. What, they couldn't do this in the first bonus stage?

Once again, you get another picture from the movie and another hit point for your maximum health.

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