Monday, January 6, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie (SNES) - Stage 2

An aircraft carrier? I don't remember that being in the movie...or in Season 2 for that matter!

Geez, Bandai loved to take liberties all the time. This is one of my personal favorites amongst those, though.

You're on a jetski for some unexplainable reason (there's not much of a storyline here, folks, believe me) when it crashes into rocks. Luckily, your jump onto the aircraft carrier once the burning jetski launches you up.

You now fight Putties as you make your way inside, being blown away by low-flying fighter jets along the way. It looks like Lord Zedd's Putties are turning to desperation tactics early...some of them are crawling towards me just to get in the way and be complete jerks. Once you make your way inside, there's spikes on the floor, Putties shooting guns, platforms you can hang on top of when you're in Ranger Mode, robots moving on airborne conveyor belts and flying around in the air that shoot and drop bombs at you and pits that send you into the send you into the deep blue sea if you accidentally fall into them.

You then face Cannon Top, who is on a platform above some spikes. You either have to stand on a platform on a conveyor belt or hang on a hook at the top of the room in order to hit him, all the while trying to avoid his projectiles and not get killed. Once again, you can power up your bomb, which helps even more when you're finally able to power it up. Once you've gotten in as many weapon strikes on him as you can, unleash the bomb at the last second and he becomes a lot easier. Boom! Time for Level 3!

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