Saturday, January 18, 2014

dshban plays Captain Novolin - Part 2 of 2

Thankfully this game is short.


Breakfast is exactly the same as last time.

The chewing gums actually shoots bubbles upwards, making your jump attempts a lot more jeopardizing.


Same as the other lunch.

This time, you'll be climbing a mountain. The park ranger warns you that extra activity can cause your blood sugar to get lower than usual. Yeah, you gotta watch out for the strenous activity.

All of the enemies are things you've fought against before.

Apparently, even eating one of each food will kill you if your glucose is too high.

Afternoon Snack

Apple and crackers. Same as ever.


Dinner is the same as ever. You'll get the same meal plan as the other dinner stage, then you'll meet another park ranger who will give you an "I have diabetes" card. Great. Just...great. I know it's important and educational and whatnot, but still...this is a video game.

Also, this part of the mountain is mercifully shorter.

Bedtime Snack

Now that we've climbed up Mt. Wayupthar, we're free to take on Blubberman in his own domain!

This is where the game decides to be difficult. If you're not avoiding enemies, you'll be avoiding exposed floor panels where the wires are exposed and electric shocks cover a whole floor tile.

Get your turkey and glass of milk, then get to the other side of the ship and take on Blubberman himself. Look at those amputated To beat him, avoid the pies that Blubberman throws and hit the switch three times so the electric currents hit him instead. Three hits and he's gone.

Go right and you'll meet Mayor Gooden. If his blood sugar is 50, give him the sugar packets followed by cheese and crackers. Otherwise, give him the glucagon before you give him cheese and crackers.

Congratulations, you've won this horrible game.

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