Monday, January 13, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 6 of 12

We continue on with my favorite level in the game.

Area 4 (continued)

The stairs are the weirdest part of the first section. Then again, crouching down and kicking Putties in the face here is strangely satisfying.

New color Putty here - the brown Putties. The dark brown Putties take four hits, as do the deeper brown-shaded ones, but both types of brown Putty can back up to one side of the screen and toss a throwing dagger at you. Crouch down to avoid the dagger.

The boss here is some sort of weird, blue Arabian genie thing. The Putty Patrollers he sends after you look like they're wearing an eye patch over one eye. Other than that, they attack in exactly the same way.

The second section has you on a lift. Avoid the electric barriers and attack all the gears and wall-mounted laser blasters that come down to attack you.

When you get close to the top, fire starts coming out of the lift. Jump up to the platform with the handrail on the bottom and grab on. The lift finally explodes and drops all the way down. Vault upwards and wall jump your way to the top of this section, taking down the spiked robots, laser shooters and brown machine gun Putties as you go.

The third section has bottomless pits in addition to falling girders that act like the flaming pipes from Area 2. Take advantage of those pits and toss your enemies into them!

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