Monday, January 27, 2014

DeceasedCrab plays Yo! Noid - Part 4 of 6

Hope you have a lot of continues.

Level 9

The red guillotine blades can't be defeated, and they can be very annoying if you're not careful. The purple bats take one hit, but the brown ones move around like the bees from the dock level. The Frankensteins (who have the biggest lips I've ever seen) take five hits before they go down.

The strangest enemy here are the empty cans. They take one hit, but it surprises me that one of the enemies are nothing but literal trash. How an empty can is supposed to attack me in real life besides the sharp edges of the lid that's left over, I'll never know.

Boss: Black Noid

The Black Noid has a lot of 4's and 5's. Welcome to your first real boss battle.

Amazingly enough, as DeceasedCrab shows us, it's kinda easy to shut him out if you have a lot of II's. Speaking of which, use a few here if you can't stop him from eating pizzas.

Level 10

Oh, lord, the slums. Prepare to take down punks, trash cans and guys with shovels that jump out of windows simply so they can try to kill you.

The punks are pretty evil, since they're able to throw bottles at you diagonally from the windows. It's a pretty awful attack to dodge, so take these guys out from a distance after they throw.

After you see the guy with the eyepatch throwing cinderblocks, you'll see a big scroll. If you hit it with the yo-yo before grabbing it, it'll turn into the Yashichi, which gives you invincibility when you grab it. Use this thing to power your way to the end of the level!

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