Thursday, January 16, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 12 of 12

It's time to take the fight to the moon and end this...for now.

Area 7

First Form

The red fireballs that this guy throws can be very easily avoided with a jump. You'll also hear them coming, too. He'll also punch you out if you're too close. If his power meter fills up, he'll shoot a big blue fireball at you that you can easily jump over. Use a lot of low strikes, especially when jumping.

Second Form

When you try to finish him off, he'll block your sword slash, turn gold and grow sharp thorns for knuckles. He's the same as before, you'll just have a smaller life meter (unless you did well on the first form). However, he's harder to hurt because he takes less damage and deals more. Same strategies apply, though.

Congrats! You did it!

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