Wednesday, January 15, 2014

jammo2000 plays Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for Super Nintendo - Part 10 of 12

Finally, we face the Dark Warrior. Remember in the last entry when I said it was my favorite side-scrolling stage boss out of the five? You're about to see why.

Boss 5: Dark Warrior

This guy has a bunch of attacks. He'll hop around and throw a bomb downward whenever he stops in mid-air. If you knock him to either side of the room, he'll teleport away from you.

The sword allows him to come at you with a dashing jab. He'll also swing it at you if you're in close. Other than that, he doesn't do much else with it. He'll appear at least once with a whip, and he can use that to strike at a distance without having to move. At least you can jump over both of these attacks.

Other than that, he's really not that hard.

When you beat the Dark Warrior, you'll see the Power Rangers summon Megazord in Mode 7 glory. awwyeahguy.jpg

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