Sunday, December 22, 2013

brickroadbrickroad and SovanJedi play Secret of Evermore - Part 76 of 88

This became my favorite part of the game the first time I saw it. can fly. There. I said it.

All maps by Grizzly.

Ebon Keep Interiors


When you return, you'll be in a room west of the hallway to the Verminator's lair. You'll find a boy that changes into a man at regular intervals. If you win at his guessing game (the answer is random), he'll reward you with Super Heal, which lets you heal all your HP in one shot. If you get it wrong, you can wait a little while and then try again.

Super Heal

2 Ethanol, 1 Acorn

Tinker's Workshop

When you return to Tinker's workshop, you'll find what looks like a large brown rocket near where you'd find Tinker. Go outside, and you'll find Tinker coming down in a flying machine. This is the Windwalker, and it allows you to fly between the three worlds of Prehistoria, Antiqua and Gothica. But to enter outer space, however, you'll need three items - a gauge, a wheel, and the Diamond Eyes. (Yes, we're getting these again. Everything will make sense in due time.)

Once he explains your mission to you, you'll be flying around. You'll be able to land at any one of the fire pits in the world of Evermore, which will now be lit up.

Flying Around

Remember the Flammie controls from Secret of Mana? They're exactly the same in Evermore. Everything just looks better, and that's the only difference.

Sometimes you'll have to go in reverse before you can go forward. I don't know if it's a glitch in the game or what, so keep that in mind. It's a flying machine, Square. Not a car.
World Map

Here's another glitch...if you land just off the coast of the fire pit near the beach area where Blimp's Cave is, you'll end up back in the balcony of Tinker's workshop...minus the Windwalker. If this happens, reset the game. You were warned. (I'll mention it again in the next intermission, because this game has a treasure trove of information and whatnot.)

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