Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eexecute plays Turok 2: Seeds of Evil - Part 2 of 51

We continue on through the first level and turn it into a bloody mess. This should be fun...

0:14 - We finally meet the raptors for the first time. The bow actually slows them down, so go ahead and use that. They run pretty fast and it makes me want to make a "Happy Raptor" joke for some reason...

1:38 - Shooting this barrel down blows up this guard tower.

2:00 - You'll find out how to get the shotgun soon enough.

2:05 - This guy never stood a chance. A lot of the enemies here really hate getting hit by the arrows. After that, Eexecute makes a joke involving both hedgehogs and echidnas.

Yes. Echidnas.

2:50 - The second power cell is right behind this barrel. Shoot it and you're done.

3:51 - These things can swim.

4:10 - I don't know how he managed to get that just right, but that was still hilarious.

4:36 - What begins as a straight up killing becomes harder than intended...

5:38 - Stop rolling, dummy.

6:24 - The last of the three power cells and distress beacons.

6:59 - LOL, infighting.

7:45 - We finally get the Shotgun. This gun is far more powerful than both the Bow and Arrow and the Pistol.

8:06 - The first save portal you'll see in the game. Accessing this will send you to Adon, who will refill your health and ammo once per level and will also let you save your game.

8:34 - More infighting, this time between an Entrail and a Raptor. You've seen another Entrail in the last round of infighting, but this time you get a clear view of their hand-to-hand combat skills.

9:17 - The second of four children.

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