Thursday, May 23, 2013

kuposan3 plays a hack of Super Mario Land - Part 4 of 8

We finish the first quest bad as it already is.


Snoopy nuts.

World 4-2

After the narrow maze part, you'll soon see a Mario game staple: that fireball that revolves around a block or a ball. In this case, it's a block. It's pretty easy to avoid.

After that, it's some platforms and a donut block that takes you to the exit. Just stand on it, and jump over the pit before the donut block falls into the pit.

World 4-3

Flying time!

This time around, you'll be shooting down bullets and other planes while destroying blocks and collecting coins.

Bullets are not supposed to freeze in place in the real game, but apparently they do in the hack. If you touch them after you destroy them, they'll die like regular enemies. (LOL, dying bullets.)

Avoid the sparks that float in the sky. They're indestructible and they will damage you.

Once you see lines of blocks making up walls, you're close to the end. You'll then see a room full of coins you can fly through...collect as many as you possibly can! After that, it's just some simple manuevering before you have to deal with fireballs revolving around blocks and indestructible fists coming out of upside-down pipes.

The boss here is Tatanga, and you will have to shoot him until he dies. He'll have two forms, and the first one is a cloud. This cloud spawns birds. (I don't even.) After enough shots, you'll meet Tatanga in his little spaceship. Avoid the fireballs as they both come out and split into three. If you shoot the fireballs, they'll turn into enemies (which includes pipe fists, dead Tweeters and Koopa bombs), unlike the real game where it does nothing. Also, unlike the real game, Tatanga doesn't go through the ceiling. At one point, it even glitches up and makes a half-clone of itself, which then proceeds to throw glitched tiles at us. I don't even. Once you shoot him enough times, he's dead. Enjoy your ending, complete with a heart stuck in the ceiling, half-finished clouds and a glitchy rocketship.

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