Sunday, May 5, 2013

DeceasedCrab plays Iji - Part 6 of 35

A rational discussion with Krotera, this is not.

Also, the Komato make their first appearance! What do
they want?!?

Sector 3


0:08 - Here's the first armor upgrade in the game. It protects better against attacks like Machineguns that damage your armor, but not against anything that causes instant health damage.
0:21 - Keep this diary entry in mind for later in the game. Killing the diary writer or the girlfriend changes the logs (and the story) if you do.
1:16 - Yes. That's right. They can actually heal with Nano found on the floor.
1:28 - This Tasen gets knocked into explosives by a rocket, causing a free hit. It's not often you get to do this.

1:53 - Once we get into this teleporter, we meet some new enemies and read a new log. Yeah, that's right. You've just met the Komato.
2:34 - The Komato have some different weapons, that's for sure.
3:25 - Cracked by Iji. Again. Losers.
3:34 - The gun here is the Pulse Cannon. Select it with 6 or W. It's basically that green firepower that you just saw the Komato use.
4:09 - Combining the Resonance Detonator and the Pulse Cannon to get the Hyper Pulse, which uses Pulse Cannon ammunition. If an enemy's health is down to 33% or less, that enemy will be knocked down as long as your Strength is high enough to kick them normally. It can also destroy shield doors. (To select it, press 6 or W twice, or press A or D until the Pulse Cannon is selected and then press S.)
4:40 - Hyper Pulse holy shi
5:02 - There is a Supercharge behind this shield door.
5:29 - Didn't we get this weapon earlier?
5:53 - If they're a peace-keeping force, why did they shoot at me?
7:03 - This is the girlfriend that the one Tasen log from earlier was referring to. You can shoot her down to get a poster to the left that takes you here, but of course, that changes the logs and possibly the story...
7:25 - Since DeceasedCrab basically destroyed virtually everybody, Krotera is ticked. He's pretty simple, though. Use the Resonance Reflector on his Shockwave blasts and kick the turrets into him. He doesn't have that much health...

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