Friday, May 17, 2013

DeceasedCrab plays Iji - Part 28 of 35

We finally made it to Sector X! Quickly, to General Tor!

Sector X

1:07 - How to get the poster for this sector.

3:43 - Some big grey turret-looking flying thing.

5:01 - Congratulations. You are officially the biggest threat the Komato has ever known.

5:17 - Apparently, another high-ranking Komato wants you dead...

5:34 - Once you take this lift up, you'll find out that the fighting has messed up Earth's atmosphere...

6:56 - Stupid Annihilator.

7:53 - This terminal opens up the first line blast doors.

8:31 - It didn't say anything about the Velocithor V2-10. Speaking of which, use it on the core and not only will you avoid a fight, you'll also get the Supercharge for Sector X.

9:08 - Ah, so that's why we have so much firepower.

9:34 - To reboot your personal Nanofield, duck down, press C four times followed by the Z key to connect to your own Nanofield. When you successfully crack it, you'll regain all the Points you've ever spent at the cost of all your stats, most ammo and weapons, and nearly all your health. Also, you won't be able to gain free health when using a Cyborg station to upgrade the Health stat for a while.

10:04 - Asha really hates you now and will stop at nothing to make sure you're dead...

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