Thursday, September 15, 2016

WowImPregnant plays Chester Cheetah: Too Cool To Fool for Super NES - Part 1 of 3

I've actually played through this one. I kid you not.

Welcome to the wonderful world of advergames, where things get games...sometimes when they shouldn't...and in some cases, they shouldn't have a game in the first place.

This fits in the latter category.

This guide covers the Super Nintendo version. The Sega Genesis version is the same, but has a different title screen and some things look different.

Chester Cheetah, here !

I'm righteous kitty from the heart of Hip City.

But right now I'm being held against my will in Four Corners Zoo like, Squaresville

I just don't dig this bogus gig.


Four Corners Zoo Park

Yo,friend! It's time to split this den.With Mene Eugene on the scene,this adeventure is no lark in the park. But help me find the missing tire and we can go a level higher.

When a Japanese developer makes an America-only game that doubles as an ad for your 16-bit gaming console, nothing good can come of it.

When the game begins, Chester Cheetah will be lying on a park bench only to see Mean Eugene and his dog running away with Chester's scooter. According to the story in the instruction manual, Eugene has dismantled the scooter and spread the pieces throughout the town to make it harder for Chester to escape his grasp.

The first enemy you'll see are the turtles. You can only hit them when they expose their heads and propel themselves forwards on roller skates. The springs can be jumped on more easily and can be used to grab some of the items you can't reach with a normal jump.

Jumping on some enemies of the game is a real balancing act, as the hitboxes on are very, very stringent. You have to leap dead center on them. If you jump into them a few pixels to the side, you're taking a hit.

The purple circles with the orange pawprints act like coins. They just give you 10 bonus points for each one you get when you complete a stage. You only have one life in this game and limited continues in this game, so you'd better try your best not to die. (I'll call these "coins" so as not to confuse them with the paw prints that refill your health.) You can get a continue (or "credit") from collecting 100, but that's assuming you make it to the exit with 100 or more.

The big orange paw prints will refill one hit point on your health.

Jump on the steamroller four times to completely destroy it. Be sure to use the bounceback from jumping onto the steamroller to get the coins that you can't rach with your jump if you want.

You'll see manholes every so often. You can go down them to find more pawprints, and you'll need to utilize them in order to find the tires for the scooter. Stand still and press Up to go up the vertical pipes, and just stand still on them when you're at the top to go down automatically. Press B repeatedly and you'll be able to crawl through the pipes faster.

The guitar makes Chester invincible, but in reality it is one of the worst power-ups I have ever seen in my life, let alone the entire game. You can't control Chester while he's playing all.

The sneakers allow Chester to run by pressing the R button. You have to hold the direction you want to run in conjuction with pressing R, which is a real pain in the ass. Buster Busts Loose did this better, believe it or not.

The sunglasses make the screen a darker tint, but they also allow you to see power-ups that you wouldn't be able to see or collect without them. They don't last too long, though, so you'd better grab stuff while you can!

The streams will damage you, as will the fish that jump in and out of them. If the fish touch you, they'll latch on to you for a little while.

Midway through the stage, you'll see the dog on some spider-like machine with four legs. There's no real way to defeat it, instead just get to the other side by waiting for the legs to lift themselves off of the ground. They always do this in a clockwise fashion from the right-most leg to the leg in the center that's nearly obscured. Duck when the "body" lowers so you don't get squashed, then use your newfound dashing ability to get to the other side of the screen when you get to the right leg. It not only helps you get to the other side faster, it actually keeps you from being nicked in the chin by the foot of the right-most leg. The hit boxes, once again, become stringent in the most needless way possible.

The manhole with the arrow made out of paw prints pointing downward leads to the tires. Get them, then head to the exit.

When you beat the level, you'll get bonus points on how many coins you picked up. If you went through the level with all the coins collected, you'll get a perfect bonus. You'll then see how much of the scooter has been rebuilt.


Monkey Pits

The music here is great. The level itself is not.

Like congrats.After that awesome showing,you best keep on going. Let's give Mean Eugene fits and ditch him in the monkey pits. Swing from vine to vine and grab the sunglasses this

Yeah, it doesn't even finish the sentence like it should. We also have lack of spacing between punctuation and the beginning of new sentences save for one case in the entire message. It's like whoever developed this didn't even try.

Since we're on that subject, let's talk about the ropes. They are yet another example of something that has been done better by other games. If you let go of the B button, you let go of the rope. That's strike one right there. You have to rock the D-Pad left and right to swing. Going back to Mickey Mania: remember the chandeliers at the beginning of the final level? That was better than this. Three, once you've swung far enough like a pendulum on crack, letting go of the B button lets you catapult yourself into the air. This almost makes the first strike both forgivable and removable, but once again, this was done better in Donkey Kong Country. You could even better control your jump. Strike three. Oh, and the fact that Chester wears a Tarzan-like robe does not, repeat, does not make this any more enjoyable.

The coins will be clustered around in the shape of arrows to point out where you should go next.

The hedgehogs roll around like a buzzsaw when they see you and can be jumped on. The wolves with silverware look like they can't be killed by any other means than the guitar, but you can actually jump on them to kill them. They do have a slight hop forward that they'll use if they see you, so watch out. The kangaroos with boxing gloves can shoot out small, sparkly purple stars that will instantly kill you. Even if you're hit, you have no invincibility until you hit the ground, so you can be hit multiple times in the air and get killed in two seconds even with a full health bar. The kangaroo can also punch the trees and cause bugs to fall from the top of the screen, which can damage you to the touch.

The little purple guys that hang on the sides of the trees hurt you if you touch them. This is honestly one of the most bullcrap moves I've seen a game pull in my life, since they don't do anything and seem like they're part of the scenery.

When you make your way to the bottom at the beginning, you'll eventually meet a monkey. This monkey will follow you throughout the level. Amazingly, even if you off-screen him, he doesn't seem to have much trouble keeping up.

Down-Left and Down-Right on the D-Pad lets Chester crawl when held.

You'll have to find the sneakers again in order to dash. Whenever you beat a level, you lose whatever power-ups you had in your possession when you enter the next.

If you run into a tree during a vine swing, you'll crash into it like [i]George of the Jungle[/i]. Well, that kinda helps.

You can jump into the vines to climb them, but you're better off jumping straight up and using the Control Pad along with it in order to climb up faster, as Chester's climbing ability is unbelievably slow. You'll still have to hold Up on the D-Pad near the top to keep from hitting your head on the bottom of the tree branches.

When you make it close to the end, the monkey will automatically climb up the tree and get the scooter part. Unless you have the monkey, you'll have to go all the way back to the bottom of the level and look for him. Once you have the scooter part, you can go to the right and get out of here. (The part here is the frame. Thanks for asking.)

If you jumped far enough off of the first rope in the level, you can get the skateboard. This takes you to the bonus stage, where Chester Cheetah rides a skateboard in Hip City. If you can collect all the coins, you'll be able to get a perfect bonus in addition to the points the coins give you. You can jump off the tops of the steamrollers, but don't run into them, or else you'll lose coins!

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