Thursday, September 22, 2016

Rurounibakajanai plays Dick Tracy for NES - Case 1 of 5

Here's the title screen.

One guy? No continues?

Dick Tracy drives through the city, with the aim of shutting down Big Boy and his gang of criminals.

Every case begins with Dick Tracy talking to Big Boy Caprice and Breathless Mahoney. Tracy and Big Boy's roles on these screens are understandable, while Breathless turns basically anything into a double entendre.

Case 1: The Bogus Bucks

1. Fake $20 Bill used near Steve the Tramp's Flophouse

This is your first clue. At the desk, you have three options. You can hit the streets and enter buildings, you can check out the clue again on your notepad, or you can look through your mug shots.

The notepad just shows the first clue again, so hit up your mug shots and look up Steve the Tramp. His last known location is in the 5th & B Flophouse. I'm guessing this is his flophouse, so let's pay him a visit.

Of course, if you've played the game before, you know that the city can be somewhat of a nightmare to navigate. If you haven't...well, you do now. Thankfully, I've provided a map so you can figure out what the heck is going on.

You'll need to drive in order to get around. You'll also see snipers on some of the rooftops that shoot at you on sight. To get rid of them, you'll have to get out of your car and take them out yourself. They're not everywhere, but they're very strategically placed to make it difficult to get around from one place to another without taking damage.

Driving is kinda weird. You're always on the right lane no matter what. I can somewhat give Bandai credit for keeping it realistic, but it makes it harder to avoid getting hit by the snipers.

You'll start off at the police station, which is at the lower-left corner of the map. You can always return here to review any clues that you have.

The buildings you can enter are clearly marked with a number and a letter. The vertical roads are numbers, while the horizontal rows are letters. The numbers go from left to right, while the letters go from the bottom to the top. Thankfully, 5th and B isn't hard to find. Just turn right on the first intersection and keep going until you see "5&B" flashing on the screen. Get out of the car and walk into the building where that white text is at, and you're at the 5th and B Flophouse.

If you ever seen any green things on the top of buildings that look like turrets shooting at you, get out of the car and take them out immediately. These are the snipers. Take them out, and they won't return for the rest of the case.

5th and B Flophouse

Remember what your superior officer told you before the beginning of the case? Don't shoot unarmed men. If you do, you'll lose half a star. If you lose all your stars, the game is over. There are no continues and no extra lives in this game.

The boxing glove is the Super Punch. Use Select to get the Super Punch to show up on your HUD, then punch someone to send them flying! If they hit other enemies as they get sent violently backwards, those enemies are instantly eliminated.

You can also use the Select Button to switch between your fists and the Hand Gun. The armed men will usually be stationary, but they will be shooting at you endlessly when they see you. Duck down and blast them, but take care not to shoot any unarmed thugs. Remember, the unarmed thugs will all share one jacket color. The armed thugs will be a different color than the men who punch at you.

The hand gun only has 50 bullets. If you ever need to refill on ammo, go to any of the police stations to get back to the maximum 50-bullet capacity.

Also, be careful as you go into shootouts with armed men, as some things in the background can be used as cover by both you and the enemies, such as pianos, tables, chairs, etc.

To pick up items, you'll have to punch them with your fists in order to collect them. The hearts are first aid kits, and using them is more complicated than it should be, as the other items can be used with the B button while the first aid kits...well...aren't. First, you'll have to cycle through your inventory to see where your first aid kit is. Remember where it is, because this is where video game logic gets thrown out the window. Cycle back to the item before the first aid kit. Once you do, press and hold Select down and press B. You have to have Select held down and "first aid kit" showing on the hub at the same time. You'll refill your health if you did it right.

You'll soon see a guy in green at the end on the lower level, who looks more like a palette swap of Dick Tracy (then again, so do the rest of the enemies, except with jackets instead of trenchcoats). This is Steve the Tramp. Interrogate him, and you'll find out he earned that $20 at the pier on 9th and F.

When you get clues on where to go next from interrogations, it helps to have a notepad handy to write them down. Why? Because once you leave the interrogation screen, the game won't remind you where to go next ever again and expects you to remember.

Whenever you successfully perform an interrogation, you'll be back at the police station on the lower-left corner of the map. Your health won't refill when you get back there, so you'd better be careful and use those first aid kits wisely.

You can refill your health there, but it's rather finicky and your health has to be dangerously low to do it. If you have either half a badge or no badges at all, you'll be able to go back to one badge. You'll still need to use a first aid kit eventually, but it kinda helps.

Oh, and if you stayed on the upper level at the end and kept going right before you talked to Steve the Tramp, you'd have found another first aid kit. You can only hold two at any time.

Be careful not to make any arrests without proof, interrogate other people that the clues don't lead to, or arrest somebody without proper evidence. All of these things can constitute a false arrest. If you make three false arrests through the course of the game, Dick Tracy is pulled off the case and the game is over.

9th and F Pier

Another easy destination. Just go all the way to the right and go up until you see "9&F," and park carefully so that you don't accidentally re-enter the car on your way up to the upper-right corner of the pier.

Remember that you can fire at an angle with the hand gun to take care of armed thugs above and below you. Firing at a downward angle is pretty straightforward (just hold Down and the direction you want to shoot at the same time to do this), but firing just requires holding Up on the control pad.

Be careful not to land in the water. If you do, you'll lose half a badge and you'll be sent back to the map screen.

If if looks like a windowsill, you can stand on it. You can also stand on the green blocks off the sides of the green buildings (as long as they have a white top) and also on the pipes at the river.

There will be a clue on top of a box being held up with rope. You'll be able to tell because of the small flashing box with the arrow saying "Clue." Stand right in front of it, duck down and punch it with your fists to collect it like you would any other item.

2. Footprint in puddle of spilled green ink

Whenever you pick up a clue, it'll be in your notepad at the police station.

Whenever you see the words "door" flashing in any part of the level, this is the exit. Enter it, and you'll leave the level.

There's a first aid kit just past the exit, so pick it up before you go.

When you leave the dock, you'll see a blue car! Go after it in the police car and shoot at it with your bullets! Yes, you can shoot in the police car, but only straight ahead. When the car starts spinning around like crazy, you've stopped the driver, who happens to be Shoulders (also from the mugshots). Interrogate him, and you'll find out that he knows nothing. He only takes crates to the 4th and D Warehouse.

4th and D Warehouse

Before you leave, head back to one of the police stations on the map (dictated by the word "Door" on the city map as well as the word "Police" etched on the sides of the building) and check out your notepad again. Your recently collected clue will show up on the notepad. You should do this every time you get a clue.

4th and D is near the park in the lower-left quadrant of the map. If you see a bunch of trees and nice, dark green grass near the police station, you're pretty much there. Look for "4&D" and you're all set.

The clue is sitting on top of a windowsill. Take care of all the bad guys nearby, then jump up and punch the clue with your fist to get it. (This clue is notorious for giving the Angry Video Game Nerd a hard time.)

3. Blank money paper and invoice from 1st & H Printshop

1st and H Printshop

Take the stairs at the beginning of the level and go left to get the Tommy Gun. Congratulations, you now have a rapid fire weapon. Use it wisely.

One of the counters will have the clue.

4. Claim ticket, 4th and B Shoe Repair

4th and B Shoe Repair

Some of the unarmed men move faster than others. If they do, be prepared to punch them a few times before they finally go down.

The clue will be on one of the shelves. Jump up to the shelf and punch at the clue to get it.

5. Shoes with green ink on soles being fixed for Numbers!

8th and J Hotel

Head out of the 4th and B Shoe Repair and head back to the police station. Put the clues on the Notepad, then check out your mugshots again. By reading Numbers's profile, you'll find out his last location was the 8th and J Hotel.

The 8th and J Hotel is on the corner opposite the police station. As a matter of fact, it's next to the north end of the docks. It will be directly west of 9th and J.

When you meet Numbers (who is dressed in red), arrest him. Since you have all the clues written down, Numbers will give up. Well done, but you still have a few more cases ahead!

When you beat a case, you'll get a three-number-passcode. Copy it down so you don't have to go through the first case again and again like the Nerd has done for the last zillion years.

Case 2: 207-119-060

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