Wednesday, September 28, 2016

lukenuetzmann plays P.O.W.: Prisoner of War (NES) - Part 4 of 5

Time to throw grenades at something again.

Enemy Base

You'll be able to get a gun off of a soldier at the beginning.

The first doorway contains brass knuckles, while the second contains armor. Use the gun to blow through the guys in the building.

You'll then climb a ladder and walk on the rooftops for a while. You'll be able to get another gun if you need it.

You'll drop down the side of the building when you reach the end of the rooftop. Once you can get past the building, stay in the upper-left corner with your back against the building and just keep on punching. Nobody will be able to get behind you, and they'll get beaten up if they even try.

You'll see another doorway to the right. Remember the guy with the multi-shot shotgun and the grenades that ran around like crazy when you got near him? Well, he's back, and if you can beat him, you'll be able to replenish your life.

The men on the laser tripods will burn your through a full life bar in two hits. If you can get past them, you'll find another doorway. It's another shotgun guy, but he too will give you life if you beat him.

You'll then take on a lot of enemy soldiers. You'll eventually find another doorway where you can refill your life if you need it.

After a few more enemies, you'll take on some guy in grey with a pistol. Corner him against the side of the screen and jump kick him, so you can make it harder for the guy to either shoot at you or pistol whip you.

When you beat the boss, you'll contact your base. Help is on the way!

Tank Fight

Welp, here's a quick stage. Try to survive, beat up the enemies with the empty hands to get a grenade, then throw it at the tank. Once again, the grenade just has to touch the tank. Your relative location is not important.

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