Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ulillillia plays Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Super Nintendo) - Part 13 of 19

Not only does the second chapter of the river sections start throwing in the new gnarled, lifeless, spiky trees, but we also see a place in Chapter 11 where you can use a cheese wheel kicker near the top of the level and glide off his ammunition and trigger a drawing error where you fall through the floor...if you're good enough.

Chapter 11: Rock Around The Croc

"Next time, I get a stunt cat!"

This time around, there is more space between the ground level and the river. Of course, this also means that if you drown in the river, your screw-up is more magnanimous.

The dark, gnarled leafless trees will deflate Bubsy in a heartbeat, so don't even jump into them.
There is always going to be one switch that lowers the river. The rest give you extra time in the deeps in you run into them. The real one here has an arrow pointing left and down next to it.

I also finally found out how to get that Continue that's surrounded entirely by those gnarled trees. Turns out, you'll have to drain the water and then enter the door that's at the bottom of the riverbed. If you can reach it, you'd better get in there. From there, you'll instantly make it to the continue. Enter the door again, and you'll get the bonus area.

Chapter 12: Claws For Alarm

"Is there a veterinarian in the audience?"

Please, if there were one reading this blog, then that'd be proof enough that they have too much time on their hands.

ulillillia does a lot better here, at least for the amount of the level that we see in the video.

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