Friday, January 22, 2016

ulillillia plays Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Super Nintendo) - Part 18 of 19


Chapter 16: A Farewell to Woolies

Here's how to get through this place, courtesy of GavLuvsGA's walkthrough:

Go up the ramp and kill the Woolies (how come they need spacesuits and Bubsy doesn't???) There are a few overhead missiles watch out for. At the end of the corridor, go up and head left, entering the teleporter like you would a door. In the next room activate the restart point and jump over the flashing red chamber - its deadly. At the end of this corridor is the first bubble gun-toting Woolie. You need a well timed running jump to kill this one, then take out the spaceship and enter the teleport. Jump over to the switch and immediately jump back. Enter the teleporter for the final special stage. When you leave the stage, enter the telporter again and return to the chamber you couldn't enter before. The red light is gone so you can go in. Continue on through the teleport again and drop down the hole; head left using springs for a Wool Gas Matron and then glide down to the next switch. Go right and use the spring to enter the next section of the spaceship and kill the Woolie and hit the next switch (on the left). This allows the next teleporter to be accessible. Run right and jump on the floating blue platform. Before it falls away, take out the spaceship and the Woolie and then collect all the yarn balls. Enter the teleporter after hitting the switch that opens the way ahead, but unfortunately brings three Woolies out of cryogenic suspension. They have lightning guns which they will attempt to kill you with. Once you've killed them collect all items and then head upwards, avoiding stray cheese and kill some more lightning gun Woolies.  Enter a teleporter, which takes you to a room containing a restart point. Re-enter and you will reach a room with some tacks and a yarn crate; the teleporter will then take you to a room with a Woolie and Wool Gas Matron. In the next room, head right and down, killing a Woolie with a lightning gun, then drop down. Kill the spaceship and jump on the moving platform, killing the Woolie with the bubble gun, and his companion and pulling another switch to allow you to progress. Make your way along the corridor, taking a detour to get a 2 up, guarded by a Woolie with another bubble gun. Kill two more and enter the last teleporter, then hit the last restart point. Ahead are three Woolies, at different levels - two with bubble guns and one with a lightning gun, whom you must take out individually buy jumping just high enough, then gliding (to avoid being hit by the one above). Then run along the corridor, killing spaceships. Get the 1 up and face the final boss.

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