Sunday, January 24, 2016

TheKnightOfNee plays Gradius - Part 2 of 3

Hey, Maoi heads!

The blue thing that shoots at you before the third level has indestructible shots. Good thing you can kill the ship itself.

Next up: Maoi heads! Yes, the Maoi heads that have been so well known throughout the history of the series! These things shoot ring-like projectiles that home in on your current position at the time of launch, so you'll have to make with adept shooting as well as some adept evading, as they can be pretty nasty if you're near multiple statues.

When you make it to the boss segment, you'll deal with that blue thing you saw before the Maoi head field as well as all of its clones. You'll usually have to deal with two on the screen at any given time, and there's about six of them in all. Beware, as they can move back a bit when you try to move past them! It's better to evade here than to shoot at them until they're destroyed, as you could accidentally back yourself into a corner and get yourself killed if you try to go toe to toe with them. You'll then deal with that big, blue stupid ship you've seen in the last two areas.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say the next area is just an upside-down clone of the first one. For the volcanoes, stay at the lower-left corner and keep shooting. BLUE SHIP YADA YADA YADA

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