Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ulillillia plays Bubsy: Claws Encounters of the Furred Kind (Super Nintendo) - Part 12 of 19

At this point, you're better off being in the middle of a whole game played in one sitting...or with save states. This is where the difficulty really jumps.

Chapter 10: Beavery Careful

"Hey, I didn't write this stuff!"

Welcome to the River levels. Here, you'll be riding rafts, dealing with turtles in both the water and the air, playing with water slides (again), and praying that the crocodiles don't eat your ride.

First of all, don't land in the water. It's a long way down to the bottom where you'll drown and lose a life.

The turtles will push your raft back. This makes it easier for you to kill them.

You're seeing that right. There are geysers around here. You'll be taking rides on those things as well.

The trees with the eraser tops bounce you higher, much like the trees in the Village area.

While you're riding the raft, you'll also be dealing with starfish that jump up and float down.

The beavers chuck nuts at you. Wait for them to fire before taking them on.

The Woolies here wear those Elmer Fudd hats. I forgot what they're called.

Anyway, the sharpened tree stumps are obviously spikes.

Other enemies in the water include both more spikes and eels with a horn on their heads. The eels will ram your raft and try to knock you into the river. Destroy them before they can destroy you!

The skies aren't very friendly either. You'll be dealing with red flies (and their maggot offspring that come out whenever you jump on one) and flying fish.

If you're lucky, you'll be able to find the switch that drains the river. This is great, as you'll be able to run around wherever. Sadly, if you die, you'll have to hunt it down again to reclaim freedom of movement. Also, the water won't be drained for long, and it'll come back up after a few handfuls of seconds.

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