Sunday, December 28, 2014

corona180 plays Darkwing Duck - Part 7 of 8

It's time to face Steelbeak, but finding him won't be easy...

Floating Fortress - Stop Steelbeak!

This is it! The final fight! All of the enemies here are from other levels, but there are some new ones here too!

The guys standing on the cannons won't fire them unless you're close enough.

At the end of the first screen, jump up and shoot to the right to find the final bonus stage.

The slugs go down after one measly hit.

The knights on the hobby horses can be hit in the back as they move back and forth.

The ducks with the buzzcuts turn into robots and walk toward you after six hits. If you damage them after that, their heads will eventually bounce around before you destroy it for good. This is easily the most difficult (and most aggravating) enemy in the game.

To take care of the guys in the barrels, avoid the barrels, then shoot the guys that appear under them.

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