Monday, April 7, 2014

GenericDude1 plays Kirby's Dream Land 2 - Part 11 of 20

Cloudy Park? Sounds like the stage name of a hot chick that's a K-Pop star. Maybe it's just me...?

Level 6: Cloudy Park

Level 6-1

The first section takes place in the clouds. This time around, you'll be seeing some air currents rising out of some bottomless pits near the end of this part. You'll also see some Gordos moving around near the last of the bottomless pits, and the air currents rising from those make it harder to get past them without getting hit.

In the second section, you'll see some clouds that act as break-away platforms. They'll form a heart with a door in the center. Enter this door and you'll fight the Parasol mini-boss. Beat him and you'll get Kine.

The third section is another vertical section. Once again, those air currents show up, and they'll push you closer to the top at the beginning. The goal is at the top.

Level 6-2

First of all, you will need Kine at the beginning of this stage. If you don't have him, go get him now.

The first section is just some more standard platforming fare. There are some blocks above the three stars and the 1-Up shortly after all those Gordos. If you have the Ice power-up, you can break them and get all that stuff. Keep these blocks in mind for later on, as these same blocks are in the Rainbow Drop room in the next world.

The second section has you using air currents to reach the platforms. Directly above the one with the 1-up at the top, there is a door. Go in there with Kine.

You'll fight the Squid mini-boss. When you beat him, you'll get a blob in place of Kine (or Kine, if you ditched him in this room). Absorb the Squid's Spark ability and take Kine, then leave the room.

Now return to that door underneath the 1-Up, but this time go right. You'll take on the Stone mini-boss in the next room. Thankfully, combining Kine and the Spark mini-boss makes it easier to pound on this guy. When you beat him, you'll get Rick. Switch from Kine to Rick before leaving this room. You'll be near the door to the next room.

Use Rick and the Spark ability to break the blocks below the Shotzos. Since you basically kill them when you send them down the bottomless pit, you'll finally get access to Coo. Get Coo.

You'll end up in the third and last section. Fly against the wind to the right with Coo. You'll find a door. Beat the Ninja mini-boss here, and take his Cutter power-up. Leave the room, and make your way to the left without getting hit by the Gordos. You'll find a door. Enter it, and use the Cutter power-up to break the blocks guarding the Rainbow Drop here. Congratulations. You just got the hardest of the seven Rainbow Drops.

Leave the room, and you'll find the goal immediately to the left.

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