Monday, March 17, 2014

Cauchemar89 plays Kiwi Kraze aka New Zealand Story - Part 3 of 3

We finally make it to South Island, where everything comes to a fitting conclusion!

World 5: Mt. Cook

World 5-1

Oh, boy. Lots of narrow corridors and lots of dodging the red bullets that come out of the volcanoes. If you're quick enough, you can make it to the end just before "Hurry Up!" appears.

World 5-2

Well, those star-shaped cat-like things can jump if you're above them. If you're unlucky, they can actually get you. At least you'll be getting some more points.

This is just like World 5-1, except there's even more narrow corridors to deal with. You'll also be doing a lot of walking, save for one part where you'll need a flying sheep head for probably...what...three seconds?

World 5-3

Everything's now ice-related instead of fire-related. We must be getting close.

Despite the openness of this stage, the time limit is really short. If you see a sign of a snowman with the word "Stop!" on it, you're heading towards a dead end. So turn around.

If you're following all the purple backgrounds, you're doing all right.

Thankfully, the correct path isn't really that long.

World 5-4

Love the picture of the ghost at the beginning.

If you haven't noticed already, the last two levels of the game have ice stage physics (read: you're going to be sliding around). And with the small squares acting as platforms for most of the first half of this level, you're going to be having yourself a (not-so-good) time.

After the whole "tiny platforms" segment, get on a flying sheep head and make your way to the end. You'll need it to reach the boss room. If you find a laser gun, grab it and keep it. You'll need it for the boss as well.

To beat Wally the Walrus, shoot down the balloon and avoid the little balls that come out of his hand cannon. If you have the laser gun, this is a lot easier than it already is as the laser gun is both stronger and faster (you've probably figured that out by now).

Congratulations! You've saved all the Kiwis and got past the crazy level design! You did it!

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