Saturday, May 11, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Drill Dozer - Part 21 of 28

And now it's time for the other route through Stage 5's secret area. Once we're done here, the hardest part of getting 100% is over.

Area 5 Secret Area: Escape Tunnel

This time around, we take the lower route at the start.

On the lower route, you'll start by getting the enemies with the fists to help you across the pits. Goad the enemies towards you, then be ready to drill into the fist as it rockets forward. The hardest part of the first section is latching onto the socket lifts at the end, but if you can do that, you can just launch yourself backwards to the right and continue on.

In the second section, you just need to avoid the sparks and the enemies with the socket lifts. Don't forget about the cannon clamps.

You'll be seeing more cannon clamps in the third section, but this section is easier to get through if you come in with maximum health. 

For the last section, you'll need to destroy the flying laser shooter again. To make matters worse, the three turrets at the top shoot slime, and you may have to get rid of them just to get rid of the laser shooter. Once the laser shooter is destroyed, you'll get the Chip Fossil.

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