Tuesday, May 21, 2024

PrinceWatercress plays Widget - Part 3 of 4

We have just one more stage before the game's final challenge.

Stage 4: Flim Flam

In Stage 4, Flim and Flam, a two-headed alien, and their assistant Gyp (yep, that's his name) kidnap sentient animal alien humanoid-like beings to make them part of their intergalactic zoo, which is more or less akin to intergalactic slavery, kidnapping and holding sentient beings against their will. Widget and Mega-Brain find out about this and go out to stop it.

When you start the level, make a short hop to avoid the saw blade that comes at you. Shortly after that, keep moving right past the lone block and get ready to make a short hop by tapping A. to avoid the next saw blade, as the saw blades change direction upon falling off the edge of a platform and landing on the ground again.

The arrows that float above the ground stop short of where you are, but you can shoot them down. The men in white with the guns will try to shoot you, but they are slow to do so and you'll be able to jump the gun (pun intended) on them. The bouncing enemies just track you as they jump around and try to run into you. The jumping spike enemy just hops in place.

The rings of fire will home in on you, but you can mash B when they get close to annihilate them. As for the extra life and the red star in the green pool, you'll need the Dolphin form that you'll get for beating this stage to get them. If you accidentally fall in while platforming, use the Bird-Man form to fly out.

The next section is a bit of a maze at first, but then you'll have two routes. One leads to the door you need to get to, while the other leads to a red star and a blue star. If you go through the fake walls in the top route to go for those stars, use the Mouse form to get through the last fake wall, then use the Bird-Man form to get in and out. If you run out of MP, you can always fall down into the pit to start the section over and get to the door.

In the fourth section, use the Bird-Man form to get the extra life above the bottomless pit at the start. As for the blue star, you can use the Bird-Man form to get that and avoid the lizard bounty hunters, whose shots you'll have to duck before you can defeat them and get to the gun speed power-up at the end of the lower route. You'll also find a full MP refill after the blue star, which is good, as you may need the Bird-Man form to get across the pit. Just watch out for the arrows and the bouncing enemies. The train car entrance leads to the boss battle.

You'll then face Flim and Flam. These two will teleport around and show up in one of three places, and if you can somehow get close to them and fire up at them, you can tear them apart quickly. It is possible to shoot and hit them by firing in one of the three positions before they can show up in that position, making it a little easier to defeat them. Just watch out for the small flames that fall down as well as the fireballs that Flim and Flam throw at your current position.

When you beat Flim and Flam, Gyp will have a change of heart and free everyone that Flim and Flam kidnapped. You'll also get the Dolphin Form, which allows you to move freely underwater without drowning for a limited time with the D-Pad, with B allowing you to spit bubbles at enemies. It costs 4 MP to use.

When you beat all four stages, you'll open the fifth stage, which is the last one in the game.

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