Sunday, February 27, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 12 of 13

We're now on the Evronian mothership. All we need to do now is get to the control room and face General Zondag.


Once we're on the mothership, we need to find the control room and defeat General Zondag, the highest-ranking Evronian official in charge of what is going on.

1:29 - Go to the side first to get the final upgrade: an Evronian Suit. This will allow your gun to turn the swirling blue rings into platforms. Don't take too long, because the platforms will soon turn into rings again.

Also, this suit is far more powerful, and will rip any and all enemies you run into apart in a few shots, even if they have a shield. Also, don't worry about scientists, because you're rescued all 60!

5:47 - Avoid the electricity as you hold Up and Left on the left stick to get the icons for the checkpoints. 

6:34 - Hold the strafe button to ensure you hit the rings to turn them into platforms

7:07 - Take out as many of the enemies from a safe distance before riding around on the platforms to ensure you don't get shot a whole bunch of times.

9:03 - One more set of rings. Jump before shooting while holding the strafe button to ensure you turn them into platforms.

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