Saturday, February 5, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 1 of 7

Lucky Luke, for those wondering, is a long-running Franco-Belgium comic originally written by the late Morris in the late 1940s that has gone strong to this very day. Not surprisingly, Lucky Luke has gotten several video games. This is one of them, and is also a rare instance of an American release, as all the games usually only show up in Europe.

Mexico City

The game begins with Lucky Luke getting a telegram with the news of a mass jailbreak. It's up to Lucky Luke and his horse Jolly Jumper to round everyone up and send everyone back up to the hoosegow, starting with Jesse James, who was last seen at Painful Gulch.

Left and Right let you move left and right, Down ducks, Up lets you aim upwards at a 45-degree angle. B jumps, and A shoots. Holding Down and press A drops a stick of dynamite, assuming you have one, and the explosion hurts you, so back off once you drop the dynamite.

You start out with three lives and five hits, and losing all your hits costs a life. If you lose a life, you start back at the beginning of the stage and you'll have to make all that progress over again. No checkpoints here! That can be rough, especially in the later levels of the game.

You start out with six bullets, although you can find more six-shooter clips from defeated enemies and out in the open. Ditto with dynamite, which - once again - you need to stay away from once you drop a stick with Down and A.

The tumbleweed cannot be damaged, so just jump away from it.

If you see any human enemies back and forth, duck down and shoot at them four times. Ducking allows you to dodge enemy bullets and projectiles, such as knives. When you shoot a human enemy, they will be stunned. Shoot them again when they stopped being stunned. You'll soon get the rhythmic pace as to how often you should shoot an enemy to keep them stunned until you shoot them four times and kill them, as enemies will constantly leave ammo, making it easier to survive a level.

By leaping into poles, you can grab them, leap left or right from a higher height.

To climb ladders, you can either walk up to it and use Up or Down with the Control Pad, or you can leap into the ladder to automatically grab it, then move from there.

There are five sheriff's stars in each level. If you get all five stars, you'll enter a bonus game. 

The awnings on the sides of the buildings are trampolines you can use to bounce to other places. Ditto with the tree branches.

By moving into a ledge, you can grab it by jumping into it. If you stay on a ledge long enough or press Down, you'll drop down; if you press Up, Luke will pull himself up.

Watch out for people throwing down . As for the bucking broncos, jump clear over them to keep from being kicked.

Hearts will refill one hit point, but they will be in short supply. This game really wants you to get good early.

The tree branch is needed for the broken tree branch near the end; if you have it, go up to the broken branch and press Down to fix the branch and continue with the level.

When Lucky Luke raises his hand, you've beaten the level.

When you beat a level, you'll get a bonus for all the stars, bullet cases and sticks of dynamite you've collected. Also, you'll have to get all that ammo all over again in the next stage, and your health will not be refilled.

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