Monday, February 28, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays PK: Out of the Shadows (PS2) - Part 13 of 13

It's the final battle! Can PK save the Earth from the Evronians?


It's just you and Zondag now. Take him down, and the Evronians will leave Earth alone...for now...

Always hold R2 during the boss battle.

When Zondag sends the ball at you, shoot it back at him with the charge shot. When you hit him, Evronian surfers will teleport in and come at you. Shoot them down as they show up, and hover around in circles near the edge of the platform to avoid all the spider mines. From here, the pattern repeats.

Zondag will keep sending the ball at you, but if you keep shooting charge shots, the ball will eventually hit him. You'll also have to deal with surfing Evronians and sending the ball back at Zondag, too. You'll eventually beat him, but that's just the first phase.

The second phase has you jumping over walls of energy waves while shooting charged shots at Zondag. Jump over the low parts of the waves and avoid the high ones. Also, watch where you're going, as it is possible to go back far enough to accidentally fall into a bottomless pit and be forced to start this battle over from the beginning of the first phase. As always, shoot regular shots to get energy out of Zondag and also shrink his barrier before disabling it temporarily, making Zondag vulnerable to a charge shot.

As you go through the battle, the walls of energy will be faster and harder to dodge, and you'll neet to shoot at Zondag and whittle down his shield as you move around. Eventually, you'll be able to hit him with enough charge shots to stop his plans for Earth domination...for now. PK takes a vacation, but finds out his job as a superhero is just beginning.

You just completed PK: Out of the Shadows!

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