Sunday, February 6, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 2 of 7

In this entry, we ride a stagecoach and face Jesse James at Painful Gulch.


This stage is an auto-scroller and has you avoiding vultures sign posts and arrows from a Native American horseback rider.

The sheriff's stars will fall into place at certain points in the level. The first is where the stagecoach driver is seated (where you can stand), the second is off the back edge of the stagecoach when the first horseback rider shows up (stand just on the edge or hang off the back to get it), the third is off the back edge of the stagecoach when the second horseback rider shows up, the fourth is in the same place when the third horseback rider shows up, the fifth is where the stagecoach driver is on the last set of vultures.

To vultures the birds, just stand where the stagecoach driver is and duck down. The vultures always come in fours. From here, get back on the top of the stagecoach and jump over all the signs. A horseback rider will show up and shoot arrows at the stagecoach roof. Duck where the stagecoach driver is seated and duck to avoid them all. From here, alternate between jumping and diving to avoid the next batch of signs. A heart will fly by, pick it up to refill one unit of health. 

Duck the vultures at the stagecoach, then stay there and duck down to avoid the horseback rider's arrows. The third star will drop down at the back end of the stagecoach as he shows up; get it if you want. Jump and duck under more signs, then get the second heart and avoid more vultures. After that is another horseback rider; you should know what to do here. After some more sign jumping, get back to the stagecoach driver and duck to get the last star. Stay there and duck down to finish the level.

In the bonus game that you get when you grab all five stars, you'll be shooting down whiskey bottles on a saloon shelf. A target will pass by from left to right, first on the top shelf, then on the bottom shelf. Time your A button presses correctly to shoot the bottles as the target is on them, and you should be able to shoot most, if not all of them, down. Unfortunately, you have three rounds of this and only enough bullets for all the bottles, and you'll need to shoot down every last bottle to even get anything. If you can do that, you'll get a 1-Up.

Painful Gulch

The guys in the barrels do not give you anything if you shoot them down, and they eventually re-spawn anyway. I usually just avoid them.

There are ropes hanging on the town gallows throughout the stage. You can swing on those to get to higher places.

If you see any cracked ground, you can drop dynamite on it by holding Down and pressing A to unearth whatever is below. Stay away from the explosion, which will hurt you. 

There are gunmen in some of the windows, and they will shoot at you at a downward angle if they see you.

On one of the rooftops is a horseshoe. Take it to Jolly Jumper, who is near a stack of barrels, and press Down at Jolly Jumper to get the barrels out of the way. Be sure to drop dynamite where the well is for some hidden pick-ups.

To beat Jesse James, shoot at him when he pops out of the window. If he shoots at you, duck down to avoid the bullet. He alternates between windows, and if you can time it right, your bullets can hit him the moment he shows up. After enough bullets, Jesse James goes down, you'll get a password, and you'll find out that Billy The Kid and Pat Poker have robbed a bank at Cactus Junction and are the next two guys to go after.

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