Tuesday, February 8, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 4 of 7

In our efforts to lock the Dalton Brothers back up, we have to do some level memorization

The Prairie

The human enemies in this stage only drop dynamite when you defeat them, so you'll want to conserve your ammo for when it is absolutely necessary.

The mud instantly kills you if you fall into it, and the bear traps hurt if you run into them. Be ready to jump over the snakes.

You can use the dynamite to blow up wooden bridges and find things underneath. 

If you see rain, the slopes will be muddy and slippery and will cause you to be pushed back.

The stone blocks can be pushed forward to get past pits full of instant death mud.

The jar of liquid is used at the plant growth near the wall you can't jump over. You'll need to blow up a few cracked walls with dynamite to get it, and you won't be able to complete the level without it. Once you use the jar of liquid on the plant growth, you'll grow a vine you can climb to get to the rest of the level.

The coyotes move back and forth quickly. Jump over them when they come your way.

Once you complete this level, you'll get a password.


This stage is one big chase scene full of level memorization. If you've seen the Let's Play for Looney Tunes in Operation Carrot Crazy, you know exactly what this will entail.

Never go to the left. The buffalo will kill you if you do. Jump over the fences, bottomless pits, thorny trees and bear traps. When you see a gap in the floor, get in it and duck down to avoid the incoming buffalo stampede. Get out when the buffalo are all the way to the left. If you see any wooden poles, jump into the top of it to grab on and stay above the buffalo. There are two hearts in the level in case you need to heal any damage taken from running into something you shouldn't.

I make this level look easier than it is, and it's all due to level memorization. Given that you're forced to go back to the beginning in case you die, you'll be playing the level and memorizing stuff again and again and again until you get it right. If you lose all your lives, you'll need 200,000 points in order to continue at the level where you died.

When you reach the end, you'll meet one of the Dalton Brothers. He will move back and forth and shoot at you. Shoot at him, and jump over the bullet when he shoots back. If he approaches the side of the screen, jump over him so you don't get trapped and fire at him from a distance. After enough shots, he'll go down.

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