Monday, February 7, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Lucky Luke (GBC) - Part 3 of 7

We got a telegram on the whereabouts of Billy the Kid and Pat Poker last time, and now, we make very short work of those two louts.


The train is an auto-scrolling area, and it's also where the game gets a little harder. Jump over the rocks and avoid the bombs dropped by the guys in the train. The guys with the guns that pop out from the sides of the cars are the worst, as they can shoot at you and hit you if you're in the wrong position at the wrong time. Don't even worry about the guys on top of the cars; they just shoot straight down. It's the guys who shoot diagonally who you want to get rid of. At least they take two hits to kill, and they can't hit you if you're right to the left of them.

If you see any wooden posts, jump up to the top. That's how you'll be getting your bullets for this stage.

The boss here is Billy The Kid. He shows up in one of four positions - far left, center left, center right and far right. Avoid him when he is at the far left, then get to the far left and jump and shoot to hit him. At the far left and center right positions, he drops bombs straight down to the ground; at the center left and far right positions, he will shoot downwards at a 45-degree angle at you. Once again, getting the timing of when he pops up is crucial, as you can hit him as soon as he pops up just like you could with Jesse James.

The bonus stage gets harder the more you play get your trigger finger ready!


The guy who pops out of the doorway at the beginning drops dynamite - not ammo - when you defeat him. You'll need the dynamite when you drop down where the ladder is. Be careful as you explore and look for dynamite and bullets so you can jump over the rats that skitter back and forth, and use the dynamite on the cracked walls to blow them up. You'll find a diamond card in this area. When you grab it, go back up the ladder and continue.

There will be men hiding behind the bars who throw beer mugs at you. Duck down when you see them to avoid the mugs, then move on. They leave nothing when shot down, and they come back anyway.

If you see a switch, shoot it to activate it. You'll need to swing off the chandeliers to get past some big gaps to avoid falling down a good amount and having to recoup progress. If you can't get around, look for a switch, then shoot it and see what's changed nearby.

The black lanterns on the background wall drop down and create a small wall of fire that appears briefly. You don't want to run into that fire, especially when you jump to a new ledge, and keeping yourself from doing that can be a little tricky at times.

When you see the four picture frames of the card pips with the diamond missing from one of them, press up in front of the blank picture frame to use the diamond card and bring down a chandelier to continue.

On the floor above where you used the diamond card is the only lantern that falls down when you move past it rather than up to it. At the chandelier after it, wait for the rat to turn around at the edge of the floor on the other side of the gap, then jump to the right.

From here, you'll face Pat Poker. Just like Jesse James, he just shows up at the far left and far right sides of the screen, and once again, if you can time your shots right, you can hit him as soon as he pops up on either side. He alternates between the two sides and it's easy to anticipate where he'll pop up; all you really have to worry about is the rat that moves back and forth on the floor.

Afterwards, you'll get a telegram which states that you'll have to go after the four Dalton brothers, starting with Averell and Jack, who have been spotted cattle rustling near Abilene, Wyoming.

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