Monday, September 2, 2013

Kikoskia quickly plays MMPR: The Movie for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive - Part 1 of 6

Same movie, different game and system. Also, it only focuses on the beginning and the end of the movie and throws a bunch of stuff from the Thunderzord season out in-between. Oh, boy.

Choose any Ranger you want. At least you actually get pictures of the actors from the second season that actually look like their TV namesakes. Plus, the ranger photos in the player select screen are actually top notch, so it's got at least that going for it. Which is nice.

Stage 1

The controls are more or less similar to Streets of Rage 3, except the command list is slightly simpler. You can dash, you can punch, you can grab these morons and pummel them into submission. Don't expect a lot of complexity to the game, though. The only enemies you'll face are Oozemen (Ivan Ooze's flunkies) and the Putties. You're better off using combos to finish them off as much as possible, especially if you're playing on Hard mode like Kikoskia is.

It's still the same thing every time. Press B on Oozemen until you drop them, knock them to the ground, they change to ooze and crawl towards you, then they're Oozemen again, keep pressing B, repeat until dead. You're going to be doing this the whole game. Also, they have attacks that involve choking you from behind, kicking you and...setting you on fire by hitting you in the face with their swords. What is this, I don't even.

Sometimes you'll find power coins after you beat the enemies. Here's what they do:

Tigerzord power coin - Fully restores your health bar
Mastodon power coin - Awards 1,000 points
Pterodactyl power coin - Restores about half of your health bar
Triceratops power coin - Restores some of your health bar
Sabertooth Tiger power coin - Awards 3,000 points (only appears in Stage 5)
Tyrannosaurus power coin - Awards an extra credit (continue)

You also have a lot of life for your life bar. As you take damage, it goes from blue to yellow to red to black. If you run out of time, your life will start ebbing way until you finish a section of the level off and get more time on the counter again.

There's only a couple of Oozemen on this stage. Nothing more, really. When you make it to the end of the stage, Ivan Ooze appears and hits you with a fireball before he disappears again to wreak havoc on the Earth once more.

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