Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest 1: Quest For The Crown - Part 5 of 12

A gingerbread house. Where have I seen this before.

If you eat the gingerbread house, you get two points. Really easy to miss, there.

If you knock on the door, she'll hear you. Don't go in. Instead, go south, then go back north to the house and open the door. Odds are 50-50 that she'll either still be in there...or...she won't be inside. If she is, walk into the bedroom on the right side of the screen. You'll hear her coming, so stay in the bedroom! When she stands near her cauldron, come out of the bedroom and push her. Ding dong. The witch is truly dead.

Open the cabinet. If you look inside, you'll find a piece of cheese. Get the cheese. DO NOT EAT THE CHEESE, YOU WILL LOSE POINTS. Go back to the table and grab the note on the table next to the bed. If you go to your inventory and read it, it'll have a message saying "Sometimes it is wise to think backwards." Hmmmm...

Exit the house, go south then go west. You're back at the cave we just came out of. Let's go south.

Going south takes you to the goat pen. This will be of use later. Love the frames of animation on the goat. Anyway, the trough in the goat pen is empty. It'll get food soon enough, though. Go west to see more of the goat pen, then go west again to meet the Fairy Godmother.

She'll cast a magic spell that lasts for a limited time, which protects you from death by any of the hazards in the game.

Going west from here takes you to a garden. It's a carrot garden. Grab a carrot, then go two screens west and you'll be back at the golden egg tree. (If you eat the carrot, you lose points, but if you get another one you can get those points back.) Going west past the well will take you back to the goat pen. Next entry...fun time!

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