Saturday, January 7, 2023

PrinceWatercress plays The Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 4 - Part 1 of 27

I guess it was only a matter of time before I played this one.

The game starts with Bugs Bunny finding a mysterious, worn out map that leads to "C.... Castle." Bugs, thinking that the "C...." stands for "Carrot" and not "Crazy," heads off to find the castle. This totally isn't reminiscent of the third game or anything. 

Stage 1-1

Worlds are handled a little differently in this game; instead of just one number, you get a world number, a hyphen and a level number. Some of the early stages will be short, but some of the later ones will be a little longer.

The controls are the same as ever: Left and Right move, Up goes into doorways and B uses weapons against enemies. You can climb on vines and ladders with Up and Down, and Up can also be used to go up a slope-like stairway. However, you can switch between the two weapons - balloons and pop guns - with the A button, with brackets containing the one you've selected.

Unlike the other games in the series, you've got hit points. You can take up to three hits before you lose a life. If you find a heart, you can refill all of your health. If you manage to find ten carrots, you can refill your health in addition to getting temporary invincibility.

Just like in the second game onward, you have to find eight keys and go through the exit door - which always  to get to the next level.

Like last time, you can pause the game and look around the level with the Control Pad. Unfortunately, you don't get in-game music this time, and you won't be able to see hazards or enemies in the places where you look, so you'll have to be careful.

When you enter a room, walk up to the treasure chest to open it up and find what's inside. Sometimes you'll find a key, sometimes you'll find a weapon, sometimes you'll find a carrot, and you may find other things as well. When you get what's in a room, the door stays open to help keep track of where you've been.

Pepe Le Pew just slowly moves back and forth and stops every so often.

You can push the nut into enemies to get rid of them.

When you complete a level, you won't get an extra life afterwards. Instead, you're going to have to find 1-Ups in the form of Bugs Bunny icons in order to get them, and not every level has one. Your password also changes. Be sure to keep a good tab on your passwords, as they change as you play and you want to keep as many of your extra lives as possible.

Stage 1-2

The mushrooms are trampolines. Fall onto the top of them to jump off them, then hold Left or Right when you are next to where you want to be. Enemies can use them, too, so be careful.

Some rooms have two chests. When opening one, move away as soon as you open the chest, as the one you open could be a Mimic. If that happens and you're holding away from the chest with the D-Pad, you'll be able to move away before you get bitten.

The Leprechaun enemy moves slowly like Pepe Le Pew, but he stops to rest every so often. He can also double back when you least expect him to.

You can climb on the vines with Up and Down like with the ladders.

Stage 1-3

Elmer Fudd is back, and he can shoot his gun at regular intervals just like in the last game.

While enemies don't stay frozen for a second like in the second and third game, you can move past them if they are near a door as long as you're fast after coming out of one. I mention this later.

Stage 1-4

To use a balloon, equip it, then press B to lay one down. When an enemy runs into one, it will pop on them and get rid of them. Thankfully, you can pick one back up, and if you misfire a pop gun, you can get the shot back if it hits anything other than an enemy, like a wall.

Daffy Duck will chase after you and take the shortest path to you. There are several enemies that move like this, and they are the most deserving of your weapons, should you find any in the level (which you will).

The Bugs Bunny icon gives you an extra life.

The weapons are non-transferrable between levels and you'll only find so many in one level, so be careful.

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