Saturday, December 24, 2022

PrinceWatercress plays Demon's Crest - Part 9 of 14

In this entry, we head back to familiar ground that ends up not being quite so familiar before heading to one of the two new areas that have now opened up.

Area III

When you head back to Area III after beating the Flame Lord, the trees that had the fireballs dropping out of them will be gone. You'll also be able to get a health extension that you weren't able to get your hands on before.

With that out of the way, let's check out Area V.

Area V: Entrance

When you start this area, there are two roads you can take: the underwater road that leads into another underwater area, and the tops of the pillars rising out of the water that take you somewhere else on dry land. Since we can't go underwater (yet), we're taking the top route. Aside from the mermen that you've faced before, you'll also have to tangle with the skeleton birds from Area IV again. This is where the Aerial Gargoyle form will make things easier and allow you to blow the skeleton birds away. Just don't be under them; they will drop some sort of slimy projectile downwards than can do damage.

Area V: Temple

Aside from the spike-filled paths that you'll have to fly through with the Aerial Gargoyle, you'll also have to charge through the gryphon statues with the Ground Gargoyle. One of the statues you'll have to charge through will contain a health extension; you can't miss it.

After the health extension, there is a part of the floor with a slight dip in it; jump over it so you don't fall through a hidden hole. Thankfully, the Aerial Gargoyle form makes this a non-factor.

As you make your way through the end, a monster will crash through the ceiling. Make your way to the right and keep going, and you'll eventually take on the Crawler.

To beat the Crawler, you can use either the Buster or the Aerial Gargoyle and shoot at the eye when it is opened. The Crawler can throw monsters at you that you can destroy, and some enemies will also spawn out of its head and fly around like the armored ghosts. Thankfully, these enemies can easily be destroyed. If you see the screen shake, watch the skies for falling debris and stay away from it.

After you take out the Crawler, you'll get the Crest of Water, which gives you the Tidal Gargoyle form and allows you to breath in water.

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