Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Gaming Corner plays Codename: Iceman - Part 4 of 5

This one's even longer...and at this point, the adventure is nearly over. However, this is probably going to be the most difficult stretch of the game.

Hat tip to StrategyWiki for getting some stuff figured out.

From the galley, go est under the stairs to go back to the ladderwell. Go west again to enter the machine room. Going west again will take you over the nuclear reactor. Going west still will take you to the engine room. If look around in the engine room, you will find a ladder leading to an escape hatch toward the stern.

In the engine room, go up to the red box near the ending, open the drawer and get the hammer, Close the drawer, then go back down the ladderwell and go east to enter the torpedo room. Talk to the man there (who is the same guy you gambled with) and he will tell you that his equipment sounds a bit strange and that there could be a problem. If you go up to the console on the east and start a test, you will see a torpedo placed on a conveyor to be placed in a tube. As this goes on, you will notice that the conveyor will not feed the weapon towards an open torpedo tube.

Examine the conveyor belt that the torpedo was placed on. You will find a sheared cylinder and remove it. If you measure the cylinder, you will find out that the diameter of the sheared cylinder is 1", and the cotter pin hole is 1/4". Unfortunately, you cannot tell how long the cylinder was because it has been sheared off. Measure the belt, and Westland will determine the replacement cylinder must be 6" long and 1" in diameter.

Go back to the machine room. Open the cabinet near the door and get a cotter pin. Measure the pin to make sure it fits in a 1/4" hole. You will find out it is two inches long and that it will fit a quarter inch hole. From there, get a cylinder, and when asked what size, pick 6". Close the cabinet, then go west to the lathe and put the cylinder in the lathe. Set the lathe to a 1" diameter, then turn the lathe on. You will cut the cylinder to a 1" diameter and take the cylinder back. Go west to the drill and drill the cylinder, then type "select bit" and select the 1/4" bit. Then, turn the drill on. When the drill is turned off, go to the grinder to the west to grind the edges off the cylinder. Measure the cylinder again, and you will find out it is 6" long and has been milled to a diameter of 1" with a 1/4" hold drilled near one end and the rough edges ground smooth.

Head back to the ladderwell and climb down the ladder. Go back to the torpedo room and install the cylinder into the conveyor. Install the pin (make sure you have the hammer; if you don't, go back to the engine room and get it), then start the test at the console again. This time, the conveyor will successfully feed the torpedo into the tube.

From there, head back up to the galley and climb the stairs back up to the bridge. The Captain will be back, and he will ask you to take the helm so he can direct you to the next radio contact. Here's what to do:

  • "Maintain current heading." You don't need to do anything here.

  • "All ahead full." Move the engine lever so that all four lights above it are lit up.

  • "Set depth to 300 feet." Move the dive lever so that the depth gauge reads 300.

  • "Acknowledge when depth obtained." When you get the depth of the submarine to 300, type "depth obtained."

  • "Aye aye, Commander! Maintain course and depth." You don't need to do anything here.

  • "Reduce speed to 2/3." Move the engine lever so that only three lights are on above it.

  • "Make your depth 100 ft." Move the dive lever so that the depth gauge reads 100.

  • "Ahead slow." Move the engine lever so that only one light is on above it.

  • "Surface." Move the dive lever so that the depth gauge reaches 35.

From there, the Captain will tap you on the shoulder and tell you that your shift replacement is here, You and the Captain will then go topside while radio makes contact.

Stand up, then Westland will follow the Captain up the ladder to the east. You and the Captain will scan the horizon. Talk to him, and he tells you that there are a couple of ships on the horizon, with one bearing down on the USS Black Hawk and another appearing to head port to starboard. Westland looks through the binoculars, then the Captain sizes up the situation and notices that the two ships are Russian war ships, with one of them heading right for the USS Black Hawk. It is now time to get back to the controls, but as you do, the Captain gets a little too excited and falls on the way down the ladder, hitting his head on the floor and suffering a concussion. As the Captain gets medical position, it is up to you to get the USS Black Hawk out of danger.

Westland will go back to the controls. You'll find out that a Russian destroyer is 18,800 yards away and closing. You'll then learn how the tactical display works.

The top (white) bar extending from the right represents the approaching enemy vessel. Other bars extending from the right represent the approaching enemy weapons.

Lower (black) bars extending from the left represent your weapons approaching the enemy.

Activate Silent Running Mode (press Shift+F4, or click on the triangle shaped button above the throttle speed indicator lights), then press the Fire Control Panel Activate Button (you can either click on it with the mouse, or use Shift+F2). After that, dive down to 600-700 feet and maintain a slow speed.

Let the enemy attack first. ALWAYS. OTHERWISE, YOU WILL GAME OVER.

When you see the schematic of the missile, select a decoy (either use Shift+F5 or press the first button on the Fire Control Panel), lock (with Shift+F6 or the second button on the Fire Control Panel), and fire (Shift+F8, or the fourth button on the Fire Control Panel). Hopefully, the decoy will attract a torpedo.

The harpoon has the three sets of "wings" on the side and has that small dark tip. The torpedoes are long and have the green tips on the sides on them, and have a narrow tip. The decoy is shorter than the other two missiles. You only have a few of each weapon, so be careful.

When you see the top white bar extending from the right appear, be ready to fire the missiles. Select the missiles, then save your game first before you fire. If the lower black bar on the screen goes all the way to the right, that means you missed. Restore your game if that happens.

If any bars below the top one near the red ship symbolizing the Russian destroyer go all the way to the left, that means their torpedo missed you.

Once you're close enough, select the harpoons (stingers) and fire. You only have four harpoons, so make those count and remember to save your game, too.

You can only take three hits before the USS Black Hawk sinks. Once you've taken three hits, the Black Hawk is dead in the water and the game is over.

Once you've destroyed the destroyer and taken care of all of the enemy missiles, the sonar will be silent and the coast will be clear. You'll then get coded messages again.

Stand up, then talk to the radioman. You'll get a coded message from Washington and a coded message from the CIA. Here are the examples Chris gets (yours, once again, may be different):

Washington messages: FF-F-C, FH-E-D (11-1-6) (15-2-4)

CIA messages: E-A-J, BE-D-G, (2-0-9) (10-4-3); (5-3-2) (15-7-6) with Navy offset

Go back to the computer in Westland's cabin and dig out the technical manual again, and start doing the whole "page-line-word" thing again.

Numbers higher than 10 are handled interestingly with the coded message. If you have two letters and the first one is a F (which is a 1), that number acts as a "tens place." If a two-letter combination starts with anything other than F, then you have to add the two numbers together. Therefore, "BE" will be 10, and not 82. (If it was 82, you'd be getting nowhere fast, believe me.) By going up, you go to 13, which doesn't have a red box with code words. Therefore, it goes up two pages to 15. In case that happens, you'll know why. (At least, that's how I think it works.)

Remember that you have to go up three with the numbers on the CIA messages, as per the offsets mentioned on the microfilm.

Using the examples Chris has, the primary word key is "redwood" and the secondary wood key is "steer" for the Washington message. The Washington message reads as follows:

Contacting fisherman...
After exiting water,
 contact agent for further

It looks like this goes with the other Washington message.

For the CIA message, the primary word key is "destroy" and the secondary word key is "directly." The CIA message reads as follows: 

After polar crossing is
Do not surface for remainder
 of mission

Once we're past the North Pole, we cannot surface the submarine for any reason or else we may compromise the mission.

From here, go back to the controls of the submarine. Be sure to slow the game speed down and save if you need to before getting back in the control seat. Sonar will report many icebergs. Turn on the closed circuit monitor (either press Shift+F1, or press the green button above the Fire Control Panel Activate Button). Then, make sure the the engine lever down so that only one light is and the speed indicator reads five (5) knots.

When the music starts, use the wheel to drive away from icebergs and make sure they do not hit you dead center on the screen. It may look like some may hit you, but if they are not fully visible when they are super close and they are not dead center on the screen, you won't have much to worry about. If you can make it past all the icebergs without getting hit once, you'll get full points. You can take up to three hits before sinking, and if you take hits, you can survive, but you won't be able to get the full amount of points. Hope you saved before you did this whole sequence!

When you make it through the ice pack, there will be a break in the ice. You will also pick up and active sonar on the 150 degree arc, 100 miles south of true north.

Contact the station, and the radio will report the contact. Turn off the closed circuit TV monitor. The radio will be standing by with a coded message.

Stand up and talk to the radioman again. You'll get a coded message in alpha from Naval High Command in Washington, D.C. You'll also get a coded message from the CIA. Once again, they may be random, but here's what we get in this video:

Washington message: J-G-F FH-I-C (9-3-1) (15-7-6)

CIA message: E-A-J E-E-F (2-0-9) (2-2-1); (5-3-2) (5-5-4) with Navy offset

Go back to Westland's cabin and go to the computer.

Going by the examples once again, the primary word key is "latitude" and the secondary word key is "directly" for the Washington message. The Washington message reads as follows:

Rendezvous with USS Coontz...
36 degrees latitude 12
 degrees longitude.
Listen for erratic sonar.
At that time, signal
 presence with one active
Pass through straits
 under Coontz

So when we make it to our destination, we will have to get to where we need to go with another ship. We just have to know how to tell them who we are. Interesting.

For the CIA message, the primary word key is "destroy" and the secondary word key is "coontz." The CIA message reads as follows:

Diversion tactic necessary
Locate nearest off-shore
 drilling rig and destroy
Do not use Blackhawk

This will definitely come into play later, as will all the coded messages.

From here, go back to the controls of the submarine. This time, there is an inversion layer at 1,000 feet. Move the dive lever so that the depth gauge reads 1200, then activate silent running. Later, you will be pinged by a Russian submarine, triggering another battle.

This time around, if you get hit once, the game is over. If you see any torpedo lines extending from the right, fire a decoy to get rid of it. (The inversion layer is supposed to divert the enemy torpedoes, but all of them will hit nevertheless.) Use your torpedoes to destroy the sub, as your harpoons will be useless (assuming you still have any). Save your game before firing any torpedoes (which you should do when you see the thin white line at the top extending from the right), and restore your game if they miss. When two torpedoes hit the enemy submarine, all you have to do is deal with any enemy torpedoes and you should be good.

And as always, let the enemy attack first.

After you beat the submarine, you'll be off the coast of Portugal. You will get single pings coming at irregular intervals. Press the Sonar On/Off button (which is to the left of silent running button and indicator lights), then press it again immediately. The pings will stop. You will have contacted the USS Coontz and properly identified yourself. The mission will continue as planned. The aerial view will be shown on the monitor, with the USS Coontz displayed as a cross.

Bring the submarine (which is you) to the cross. If you can get directly under the Coontz, you will give the maximum score of five points out of five.

From here, keep the submarine icon right where the cross is with the Left and Right arrow keys. Be sure your speed is matching the Coontz, and that you aren't going too fast or two slow.

The Coontz will move straight up for a while, moves over to the right for a while, then goes straight to the right. When it turns right, set your heading to 45 degrees and adjust as necessary. 

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