Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Dilandau3000 plays The Colonel's Bequest - Part 18 of 20

We finally tie up some loose sends as it becomes apparently that almost everyone is gone.

All maps by Will Mallia.

Head to Celie's shack and knock on the door. This advances the time to 1 AM and starts Act VII.


Celie will tell you to head back to your room, due to the feeling of evil in the air that she senses.

Beauregard is back in his doghouse, so head back to where Rudy was earlier. He'll be walking around. If you head back into the room with the weapons drawer, you'll find out the glass case protecting the silver derringer is shattered and that the derringer is gone.

Head back upstairs and go to the guest room next to yours. A chair is toppled over and there is a bloodstain near it. It looks like Clarence is the next victim. His notebook is still on the nearby desk. Look through it. It will be 1:15 AM. You'll find that Clarence has (somewhat) caught wind of everyone disappearing.

Open the panel in this room. You'll find a dusty bootprint on the floor. Head into your room. Open the blue and red suitcase, which happens to be Lillian's. You'll find the diary. Take it. Look through the dairy, and you'll find an entry where Lillian talks about Uncle Henri's supposed betrayal of her and an implication that she murdered everyone due to the fact that everyone supposedly wants her in the nuthouse. Look at the diary with the monocle, and you'll find a print.

Head to the bathroom. The shower curtains will be pushed back, and you'll find Clarence laying in the tub dead with the missing dagger in his chest. (You can also find his body in Wilbur's room.)

Search Clarence's body to confirm the stabbing death. You'll also find a pack of matches in Clarence's coat pocket. Laura will automatically take them. Hey, you'll need to light that lantern somehow.

Head downstairs and go to the bar. Feed Polly a cracker again. "AWWKK! Sleep tight, my pretties. AWWK!!  In the basement...the basement!"

Go to the hedge garden and light the lantern before heading down the stairs. No longer is the flight of stairs here instant death. Keep heading to the left and you'll find an old, sealed-off portion of the basement. This room hasn't been accessed, much less used, in years. Also, there's the laundry chute of death. No wonder it killed you at the beginning of the game. It goes pretty far down.

Approach the chute, and you'll find the bodies of everyone who has been murdered. So that's how they disappeared.

Look at the left wall. You'll notice there are two opposite walls bricked up. On the left wall, there is a small metal plate. Look at the plate and you'll notice a hole in the middle of it. Put the crank you found in the bell into the hole, then turn it. You'll open up a passage in the wall. Keep going left. You'll find some stairs leading upwards. Walk up, and Laura will escape through a cold, dark tomb. You are now in the mausoleum. Look at the nameplates and the stained glass windows. You are in the Crouton mausoleum. Notice that Ruby's name can be seen on his nameplate. Ruby is the only Crouton we haven't seen any record of. Use the crowbar on Ruby's nameplate. Look inside the vault to find a leather pouch. Take it. Look into the pouch and you'll find precious jewels. You've found the hidden treasure that was meant for Sarah!

You can open the other vaults with the crowbar, but you'll find nothing but skeletons. Remove the bar from the door to free the door. Don't worry about the lantern, because the game won't let you get it back and you won't need it again anyway.

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