Tuesday, February 20, 2018

skorch82 plays Brave Fencer Musashi - Part 20 of 70

It's time to explore more of the mine!

There's another Bincho Field here containing Chief Gravie if you use the first platform to fly around the Misteria cave. You'll also find a Minku here. There's also a treasure box containing an OldGlove.

Now that you have Misteria (and all the useful things) go back to the fork in the road below the giant fan and climb the wall to the right. 

If you take the right fork, you'll enter the scrap depository. Assimilating the blue mushroom guys, falling into the pool of liquid Binchotite or getting hit by the worms will cause you to be poisoned. However, if you Assimilate the worms, you'll get Antidote. For 6 BP, you can instantly cure yourself. It's pretty much worth getting as long as you're in the mine. You won't be able to go much further to the right until later in the game, however, as the gap between the two wooden platforms above the liquid Binchotite pit is too wide to jump across.

When you climb up the wall, head to the right. Keep going right and you'll eventually enter another area with a liquid Binchotite pit. Use the elevators to climb up.

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