Monday, February 12, 2018

skorch82 plays Brave Fencer Musashi - Part 6 of 70

Here, we document our first explorations through Meandering Forest. You'll be going through this area a couple of times.

Next to the Mayor's house is one of four entrances out of town leading to Meandering Forest. Here you can jump onto a pipe and walk along it to find some free money. Just watch out for the steam if you decide to explore this area to the east, as it can damage you. You'll also find the Musician Pianissimeat and Acrobat Sausages if you take more of the pipes and walk to where they end.

Enemies here will include green soldiers with lances, pink flowers that hop around and potted plants that will spit three-way shots at you. The mushroom enemies will hit you with sleep powder if you are too close to them after you strike them.

In case it gets dark, you will have a limited field of vision lit up around you.

There is a secret passage that takes you to a Minku. These guys will show up at night and will run around like crazy. You'll have to chase after them and pick them up, but when you do, then run away and leave a Longevity Berry. This will fully refill your health and add 25 HP to your maximum health.

Head back up to the area leading to Twinpeak Mountain during the night. You'll be able to find another Minku next to the path leading down to the village. At least he's easier to catch than the one in Meandering Forest, as you won't have trees blocking your path.

To get past the thorns, you'll have to Assimilate one of the pink flowers. This will give you Hop, which allows you to jump on and over the thorns. When you're over them, press Circle to cancel the move. You'll lose the ability, but there's a jumping flower nearby for when you head back.

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