Thursday, February 8, 2018

PrinceWatercress plays The Ninja Warriors: The New Generation - Part 2 of 3

Time to kick some more butt as get closer to Benglar!

Stage 4

When you finally make it back out into the open, you'll see missiles coming down from the sky. Avoid the missiles and get out of there as soon as possible, and watch the shadows so you can see the missiles coming. Once you're back indoors, a tank comes out along with a robot and an endless supply of soldiers. Use these soldiers to take care of the robot.

You'll then be in an indoor parking lot in the city. You'll see a helicopter, but it won't be a menace to you yet. You'll also see a big guy wearing pink that's just like the guy you saw in Stage 2. In Nintendo games, wearing pink makes you more menacing. I'm still trying to figure out why. Midway through this section, the helicopter comes back. Duck in front of the car and the helicopter's machine gun won't be able to get you. You'll then be fighting bad guys and avoiding the helicopter's firepower at the same time. If you alternate between the left and right sides of the screen here, you won't have to worry about the gun. Just like the fan blades from Stage 2, the gun fire from the Gatling gun on the helicopter can also damage enemies.

After this, you'll fight two more guys in white suits, followed by a brown palette swap of the same guy. Fun.

The boss here is some guy with a purple beret and a cane. That black thing he's carrying is a wireless phone. He'll run away and have soldiers come after you. Throw the soldiers at him, since it's pretty hard to get close to this guy without being whacked three times with a wooden cane (unless you block). He'll also leap on top of the gray wall on the foreground. Sometimes he'll stand on it and talk into his phone. When that happens, a red laser will be pointed at the ground. Run away from it - it sends a superlaser at you that can knock you down and prove very annoying.

Stage 5

You'll be fighting some more guys at the beginning of the stage, until you reach the door to the inside of this nice house. When this happens, you'll fight a white version of the first boss with a pink mohawk. Yes, he blows up when he explodes. Once again, throw, throw, throw.

You'll also meet a small, white robot that tries to shoot at you, but if you keep throwing other enemies at it, you shouldn't have much of a problem.

The second section is another floor of this building. You'll soon enter what looks like a conservative Japanese house, complete with rice paper walls. You'll be fighting a lot of those little guys with the claws as well as what looks like kabuki-masked guys in white bathrobes before you meet the boss: some martial artist.

He teleports behind you a lot, and he even sends two big guys to back him up. Thankfully, their higher amounts of HP lets you use them as weapons a little more often. When he glows red, watch the floor and stay away from the green geysers of fire that come up out of it. If you can get between them shortly after they show up, you should be okay.

Don't expect to combo him, since he'll block your attacks after about two punches. Use dashing shoulder rams, dashing kicks and also combo into your blaster in order to get the jump on this guy.

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