Thursday, February 1, 2018

Dilandau3000 plays The Colonel's Bequest - Part 10 of 20

We've done quite a bit of talking at this to do some more exploring...

All maps by Will Mallia.

North of the stable is a small chapel as well as an old family cemetery. You can enter the chapel, and when you go inside, you'll find Wilbur lying near one of the pews. He's been hit over the head and killed. That makes two victims now.

Look at Wilbur. You'll notice it appears that he was hit in the head with a blunt instrument. Search his body, and you'll find his monocle as well as proof that a blunt instrument was used to kill him. Laura will take the monocle.

You can kiss, smell and eat the body with the corresponding commands and get appropriate responses, but why would you want to.

Look at the pews, the pulpit, the window, the candles and the statues. If you walk behind the pulpit, you'll see part of the floorboard nearby sag. Open the floorboard there with the crowbar, since you can't pull it up with your bare hands. Inside the small niche that you find is an old, leather-bound Bible. Take it. Laura will carefully open it and find a family tree of the Crouton family as well as a letter to Sarah Crouton from her mother, which refers to a bell and Sir Lancelot. Apparently, Sarah's mom fears that she and her husband are going to die, and wrote a note for her. "Sir Lancelot" is a reference to the suit of armor in the downstairs hallway in the mansion.

Laura then puts the Bible back in the niche and closes the floorboard.

Look at the poker with the monocle. You'll find traces of blood on it, proving that the poker was used to murder Wilbur.

Look at the hanky with the monocle. You'll find the initials "EP" in one of the corners. Ethel Prune.

The wooden door just acts as a back door. Head back outside and go upstairs to Wilbur's room. Move the armoire to the left side of the upstairs hallway and look through the portrait to the north. You'll see the Colonel, and it appears that he can walk. Head to his room and ask him questions...only to get absolutely nothing out of it. If you show him the cane, he tells you to leave his cane alone. Other than that, you wn't get much of a reaction if you show him anything else.

Head to Wilbur's room to the west. You'll find out his bags are missing. You can also close the bed, even though it serves no real purpose.

Head back to your room and enter the room to the east, which acts as Ethel's guest room. You can look at the toys, like the dollhouse and the stuffed bear, but you can't do anything with them.

Head to the room next to yours. It will be 9:30, and you'll see Rudy and Clarence in the room.

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