Friday, September 1, 2017

Dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow - Part 40 of 43

We've found the secret passage! Now it's time to do some damage to the Vizier's plans!

All maps by Dan_.

In the guard room hallway is a suit of armor. Use the hand icon on the right arm of the "man of iron" and you'll find a secret passage. Alexander automatically goes in.

Use the eye on the chink in the wall. You'll overhear one of the guards talking to Captain Saladin. It is said that Cassima is pounding on her bedroom door, wanting to be let out. Saladin tells him that al-Hazred is aware of a foreign intruder trying to assassinate Cassima, and that Cassima should be left under lock and key until the wedding. Even Saladin has his doubts about the Vizier.

You'll also hear about a door that the Vizier has enchanted with some sort of magic, and magic words are required to open it (the first word being "Ali"). From there, you can stop peering through the hole in the wall and go upstairs.

There's another chink in the wall when you make your way up. You'll hear a girl crying. Go to the left and keep going through the hidden passage. On the second screen, you'll hear the sound of scratching. There is another hole in the wall to the left. It's the Vizier!

The Vizier writes a letter to Shadrack. He plans to kill Cassima so she doesn't alert the guards to the treason, and that he plans to stage another "accident."

Go north one more screen. It may seem like a dead end, but a vague outline of what looks like a door is on the left wall near the dead end. Inside is a hallway leading to Vizier al-Hazred's bedroom!

Once again, open up the trunk at the foot of the bed. Since you don't have the nail this time, use the Skeleton Key. Take the letter from the chest just like you did last time.

Be sure to look at the ebony box on the table. Read the piece of paper. It has the word "ZEBU" on it. Ali Zebu? Is that the password for the enchanted door?

If you look through the keyhole, you'll find that the guard dogs are there. If you open the door, you'll be caught. Instead, open up the wardrobe and go back into the secret passage to get out of here.

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