Saturday, September 16, 2017

skorch82 plays The Addams Family for Super Nintendo (5-year Anniversary Special) - Part 1 of 5

Ah, yes, the Addams Family. You may remember this game from Nick Arcade. Based on the first movie, this one has you playing as Gomez and going about the Addams Family mansion.

Abigail Craven has Uncle Fester under her thumb and has imprisoned the rest of the Addams Family...except for Gomez, who is the only one who can save the day. Gomez now has to find his family and take his mansion back!

Addams Residence

As soon as you start the game, you'll be at the front door of the Addams mansion. Go through the front door and you'll enter.

Hall of Stairs

This is the hub where all of the levels are at.

To the left of the entry door is a hidden door. Press Up at the center where a door should be (you'll have to center yourself a little bit) and you'll enter Pugsley's Den.

Pugsley's Den

Inside this room are three 1-Ups, a heart and training shoes that make Gomez faster, and can be used by holding down the Y button. They wear off if you take damage, though. Directly above the door leading back to the Hall of Stairs is another secret door.

Behind Stairs

You'll find your first $ icons. These are Money, and if you collect 100 Money, you'll get a 1-Up. Getting 25, 50 or 75 will give you a heart for your life meter, in case you need health.

The second door leads to the Sports Hall.

Sports Hall

There are two power-ups here, and you can only hold one at a time.

The fencing sword is a close-range weapon that lets you stab anything in front of you, while the golf ball is a far-range melee weapon. Both of them act as an extra hit, so if you get hit with either of these weapons in your possession, you won't take damage for one attack.

You only have two hearts at the beginning of the game, but as you progress you'll be able to add to your maximum health.

Go back to the Behind Stairs area and enter the fourth door. You'll enter the Hat Room.

The Hat Room

Inside this room is the fez. The fez has a propellor, and if you keep tapping the B button, you'll be able to fly. Be careful, as you won't be able to keep the fez forever as it will disappear on you when you enter certain sections.

Grab the fez, then get back to the Behind Stairs area and enter the third door. This takes you to...

The Cloak Room

There's some Money here, but forget those and fly to the door above. This leads to...

The 1-Up Room

There are two training shoes on both sides of the room, but the main attraction of this room is that there are 19 1-ups. Get them all.

The door on the right leads back to Behind Stairs. The last room leads to...

Training Shoes

Once again, you see the training shoes. It's the only thing in the room, and you'll need the fez to get them.

Leaving here and heading all the way to the left at Behind Stairs leads to...

Take Heart

Look at all these hearts. They're all worth 10 points each, too. You can refill your health here.

Hall of Stairs

Now that we're done with the secret den, it's time to increase our maximum health, because we can't really do much with two hearts.

To the left of the entrance doorway is the Old Tree.

The Old Tree

You could go inside the tree, but that just leads to the end of an underground area. Instead, climb up the tree. It's harder than it seems, since Gomez slides everywhere every time you stop moving. Once you go midway up, you'll trigger the boss battle.

At the top is a giant bird. The bird attacks by simply flying around, and telegraphs this by squawking before it swoops. It always swoops up and then down. It'll first do this while going left, then do it again while going right. It's a fairly predictable pattern, and once you know what it's going to do and when, it's all too easy to stomp on the bird's head.

When you beat the bird, you'll increase your maximum health by one and then get a password. Yay!


Head back to the Hall of Stairs and enter the door to the right of the entrance.

The Conservatory

This leads to the conservatory, where there are plenty of plants and just as many bugs to step on. There are also bunnies hopping around that are just as vulnerable.

The red spiked turtles can only be destroyed with either the fencing sword or the golf balls. Jumping on them will damage you.

The tomatoes explode shortly after they appear on the screen. Their leaves shake, and when they shake really fast, they're about to explode. If you can get below them, you can stay away from the explosion easily. Otherwise, just stay as far away from them as you can while still keeping them on the screen.

The spiders drop down before gently rising back up. Jump on them at their lowest point.

There is a block with the word "On" on it after you see the spiders for the first time. Leap off a bug in order to get up to the platform and jump into it from below to turn it from "On" to "Off."

Going to the right a little more after this leads to a door. Enter.

Thorn Pass

Wait before you move around when you enter, so the tomato to the right will explode far before you can get close to it and meet a nasty surprise. 

Since you've hit the switch in The Conservatory, you can leap off a bug to reach a nearby door after the start. You can now explore...

Wormy Way

Go ahead and hit the "On" switch above you to get rid of the wall to your left.

You'll be seeing quite a bit of Money in this area.

After the series of small spike pits, you'll see two spiked turtles and an "On" switch. Turn the switch to "Off." You should make it a habit of turning "On" switches "Off." There are some times where you shouldn't, as leaving some switches on can lead to secrets.

You'll see a few ramps that lead to spike pits. You'll want to run up and jump off the very edge in order to clear the spike pits. If you land on the spikes, you'll just lose one heart. Use this as a means of continuing to the right if you miss.

If you ever lose a life, you'll get the death screen which states "You have been foiled in your attempt to rescue your family. However, you have been given another chance." Prepare to see this screen a lot. The good news is, you'll usually restart where you just died, so the game is pretty lenient when it comes to checkpoints.

You'll be climbing on a series of ropes, jumping from one rope to another near the end. You'll want to be careful as you jump so that you don't hit your head on spikes. When you make it to the door at the end, you'll take on your second boss.

The Centipedes

Stay to one side of the room and wait for all three centipedes to show up. The centipedes will never, ever move to the side of the room. They'll fly around in figure-eight like patterns. Jump on their bodies, and stay away from their heads at all times. Just be patient, and they'll be dispatched before you know it.


After the password screen, you'll be able to head to the right.

Monster Garden

This one brings some new enemies: birds shaped like tennis balls and fireball-spitting plants. Thankfully, you can leap on the plants' projectiles to get rid of them. You'll also have lizard men running back and forth.

Before you drop down just after the start, there is a platform you can leap up to. At the center is an "On" switch located in the ceiling. Unless you move left from it, you won't be able to catch as it will most likely be hidden behind the stage name text...but it's there. Jump up there and turn it "Off."

The red spiders are faster than the purple spiders you saw at the beginning of the conservatory.

Make your way to the left and turn the switch you find "Off." Go back to the right and you'll be able to drop down. From there, go to the left and drop down. Turn the switch there to "Off," then go back and head to the right. You'll be able to drop down again. If you head to the right, you'll find some one-ups if you happen to make the climb upwards. Otherwise, just go left and enter the door.

Thorn Pass

You're back at Thorn Pass. Go down the rope and enter the door below.

The Long Garden

This area will have you taking a ride on some platforms to avoid dropping down some spike pits. You may be able to find some bonus points if you jump over any of the spike platforms that are in your way.

Usually, you'll start where you left off if you die...but not here! You'll be sent back to the beginning if you die here.

After quite a bit of jumping, you'll end up at...

The Graveyard

You'll be running to the right and destroying werewolves, bunnies and fireball-spitting plants. You'll also be bombared from the air by jack-o-lanterns that drop fireballs toward the ground. As long as you can avoid the fireballs and run away from the pumpkins flying in from the left side of the screen, you'll find a masoleum. Use an enemy to jump to the top of masoleum, and go right to get a ton of secret bonus points. Keep heading right, and you'll go underneath the graveyard.

Under Graveyard

You may remember this section from Nick Arcade. There are quite a lot of new enemies here, such as horned skulls that fly in circles, piranhas in the water and bats that swoop down from the ceiling.

You can press B repeatedly while in the water to swim.

If you go underwater at the left end of the stage and go left, you'll find a hidden area.

In the top most path, you can find three hearts hidden behind a wall that you can walk through.

Sunken Stairs

There are four 1-Ups here. Get 'em and go.

Leaving through the upper-left part of the Under Graveyard area will take you...

Under The Tree

If you went inside the Old Tree, you'd end up here. From this point, just make your way to the left and then up. You'll be back at the Old Tree. Get back to the Hall of Stairs from here.

If you need to, use Pugsley's den to stock back up on supplies.

The Music Room

The door in the very center of the Hall of Stairs (above the Old Tree and Conservatory) is the Music Room. Here, Lurch will just be playing piano. There's nothing you can do here at this time, though.

Lurch's piano playing, as well-intentioned as it is, is very off-key. As you rescue family members, he plays a little better, and when you rescue everyone else, he'll be able to open the wall blocking the door here.

The Kitchen

To the right of the Music Room is the Kitchen. To the left is the freezer, and to the right is the stove.

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