Friday, September 22, 2017

ClementJ64 plays Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Quest - Part 1 of 3

Beauty and the Beast actually got video games...from Sunsoft, of all developers. There's Roar of the Beast starring Beast and Belle's Quest starring Belle. We're covering the latter.

As soon as you press Start at the title screen, you get the other title screen. I'm guessing these two games were made at the same time, then.

After pressing Start again, you can change the controls before starting the game. By default, A lets you duck, B lets you jump and C lets you perform a special action. I'm guessing Down doesn't let you duck in this game, for some strange reason.

The Village

Press A to duck under the bird when it flies at you. Yeah, that's the entrance to the village for you. When you reach the end of an area, just keep walking to the edge and you'll reach the next section.

When you enter the village, approach people to talk to them. Most of them will tell you that the fountain is dry as the song "Belle" plays in the background. You'll come across Lefou, and when you run into him, you'll also run into Gaston, whom Belle turns down when he asks her to marry him.

As you go around the village, you'll see a building with a green sign with a book on it. Press Up at the door and you'll go in. The bookkeeper has a book for you, but to get it you'll have to help him catalog all the books. Just go right to the next screen and catch as many books as you can. Since the books fall in a rather random fashion, you won't be able to catch them all, so just worry about the ones you can grab as you cannot lose this mini-game.

Past the village is the forest. Keep jumping when you enter the quicksand so you don't sink down and die. Also, avoid the birds while you're here. Keep going right, and you'll find a boulder blocking the stream. A sound will play, indicating that you've found it. Go back to the village and look for Gaston. You'll have three responses to pick from. Pick the second one, then the third one, then the first one. You and Gaston will head back to the boulder, where Gaston will push the boulder out of the way and the nearby lake will be restored. Jump over the stream and go to the right and pick up the book if you need energy. Do that by standing on the book and pressing the C button.

Yes, the water will kill you.

When you head back to the village, you'll find out the quicksand bog has been flooded. Leap on the turtle shells to get to the other side. From there, head back to the village.

When you talk to the pumpkin farmer, he'll tell you that when he got lost in the woods, he went north when he saw a yellow rose, east when he saw a white rose and northwest when he saw a red rose. This will come into play later.

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