Sunday, September 10, 2017

PrinceWatercress plays Darkwing Duck - Part 2 of 7

Wolfduck was never in the show, but Capcom gives us a wereduck for the game. Meanwhile, Negaduck is not in the game. Why, Capcom, why?

City - Stop Wolfduck

There's a bonus stage at the beginning. Just get onto the first building in the level and shoot to the left to uncover it.

The guys that hide in the ground can be shot at when they expose their guns.

You'll have to keep moving while you're on the tires if you want to take a ride on them.

The arrow icon is the Arrow Gas. For three Gas points, you can shoot an arrow that can not only act as a little stepping stone on a wall, but also lets you do some major damage to enemies, including bosses.

The banana peels don't damage you, but they stun you for a second or two.

It should be noted that you can only carry one gun power-up at a time.

The turtles throw their shells at you like boomerangs. They take six hits to kill with the normal gun, and the only time you can damage them is after they've thrown their shells.

Once you inflate the balloons by stomping on the switch, you can hang on it and take a ride.

The two Darkwing Duck dolls can be easily obtained with the Arrow Gas.

The guys that bounce around have only one weak point - the blinking light on their heads. Keep shooting at them, as they'll keep on ducking your shots. You'll eventually get one in on them, though.


When the moon is uncovered, you'll see Wolfduck's monstrous form. He'll throw crates at you. Just avoid them, and don't worry about damaging him here, as you won't be able to hit him here.

You can shoot down the crates, but be quick about it. The fragments of the crate will still hurt you when the crate splits into four.

When the clouds moves back to the moon and covers it, he'll be a regular duck and start running around like crazy. Avoid him as he runs around and shoot at him. He'll go down in no time.

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