Monday, March 13, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Bomberman '94 - Part 3 of 6

Whoa, we're underwater! Well, at least Bomberman can still breathe down there.

Area 3: Water Land

Stage 3-1

The starfish move really fast, the jellyfish will try to shock you in four directions, and the blue submarine robots blow you back. These robots are the first enemies you'll see that take two hits to kill.

The fish in the foreground are just there for show. Hudson Soft sure knew how to program for this system.

The Pink Louie just does a dance when you press Button II. At least you can still ride him for an extra hit.

Stage 3-2

The gray fish move really slow, while the crabs take two hits to kill. Then again, the grey fish do, too. The only difference is that the grey fish can move through the destructible blocks.

The pits are dead ends.

The brown submarine robots can sink into the ground and move faster than usual when they do, but they'll eventually come out of the ground and move around as normal. At that point, they're vulnerable to your bombs again. These also take two hits.

The picture of the three bombs allows you to lay down a line of bombs by double-tapping Button I.

Stage 3-3

There will be some smaller fish that have shadows that will be able to move back and forth in the permanent walls that are part of the stage. Don't confuse these with some of the ones that are enemies, which have larger shadows and can't move into them. Seriously, those clown fish drove me nuts for a good thirty seconds.

The second section has a sunken ship, which is pretty nice.

The picture of Bomberman is a 1-Up.

The green Louie can dash through the level very, very quickly. You can go from one corner of an area to another in a flash. If you have the Remote Bombs, though, this gets messy, as you'll use the ability along with the remote detonation much like with any of the Louies.

Stage 3-4

The picture of the Heart is a free hit. You can have only free hit in reserve.

The picture of the brick wall allows you to walk through destructible walls.


The boss is a crab. Get behind it and bomb the center of the crab, and avoid the bubbles, which come out in fours and are fired at you in a 45-degree angle. After enough hits, you'll be fighting its underside. This time, there will be eight bubbles with one being shot in each direction. Stay on the move, and do not stand near the crab as you keep bombing the crap out of it. After enough hits, the crab is gone.

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